1. Jamie Harrison says

    Have we ever been to an actual barn? No. 🀣🀣 Also Josiah, classic name pick!!πŸ˜‚

  2. Kate Light says

    When ur name is Kathryn…..πŸ˜‚

  3. Anonymous B says

    "Get together and act like u love each other!"… @@

  4. Anna Monica says

    Lol she’s going through that natural faze is me rn , put me in the back

  5. Dania Toledo says

    This guy ACTUALLY makes me LOL πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  6. Emma Boyer says

    "Act like you love each other!" The famous line at all family pictures πŸ˜…

  7. Michelle Griffin says

    Hilarious and completely accurate!

  8. Lenes Rodriguez Torres says

    All American Southern Family πŸ˜πŸ€—

  9. Sarah W. says

    The accuracy only ignited feelings of pain, not laughter.

  10. Adrianna Luketich says

    My mom aunt and grandma yell at me and 6 kids plus my grandpa to get a family photo this is what it is #bigfamilyproblems

  11. Hipppogrifff says

    Where is his accent from?πŸ˜„

  12. Pisces says

    I'm so glad my family never did these photos

  13. Taylor Parry says

    "y'all have been dating for TWO WEEKS"🀣🀣🀣

  14. Belle Mecalfe says


  15. Tiffani Vega says

    No makeup lol put her in the bk 🀣.

  16. Amanda R. says

    Are we missing someone?…. xD I'm normally the one they're missing

  17. Amanda R. says

    Took the leash off the dog…..Ohhhh my dear golly

  18. agent flynn says

    Sum up Utah family photos

  19. Gilbert says

    Wish that I was on ole Rocky Top
    Down in the Tennessee hills
    An't no smoggy smoke on Rocky Top
    An't no telephone bills.

  20. Lindsey Mayfield says

    I’m wondering if your from the south.. lol…

  21. movie gurl74 says

    Sit Down … Stand UpπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  22. The Land Of Dreams says

    Holy shit this was on the joy FM

  23. Sheila Pate says

    Covering up her stomach lol

  24. C K says

    So Great!

  25. Awesome Pen says

    A N G E R Y

  26. Counting Strides says

    "Get together and act like you love each other. " My parents every year.

  27. The Webernutter says

    Every. Single. Year.

  28. Ryann Faith says

    Roll tide !!πŸ˜‚πŸ’“

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