Best lens for portrait photography and headshots


What is the best lens to use for portraits and headshots. This is an in-depth look at lens selection from the standpoint of the type of portrait photography you are doing and the environment that you are shooting in. I’ll also give you some great tips and I’ll share my favorite portrait lens.

Tokina AT-X 100mm f/2.8 PRO D Macro Lens at Amazon:
Nikon Mount:
Canon Mount:
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  1. Charles Jesse Miller Jr. says

    you are awesome!

  2. John Cook says

    Thanks for that video.

  3. Irma Elsie says

    Just after watching this video, I absolutely wanted to subscribe. I am fascinated by your style of explaining everything! You inspire me to be confident and to experiment. I'll keep watching your videos. Thanks for sharing and for transmitting such a positive attitude. 👍 ¡Adiós! 😉

  4. David Pittman Salaam says

    Joe, when u mentioned that when u attend workshops u look over in the photographer's LCD SCREEN and notice that they're shoot something different from what the lens actually is.

    I'm trying to figure out if I have been doing that but I can't find a setting in my Nikon D3400 that will allow me to choose which lens I'm shooting with (if that's what u mean).

  5. Vikas Khair says

    I just got this lens and along with few macro shots, I also used it for a portrait shoot recently for both face and full body shots and loved every bit of it. I am already in love with this lens. Oh yeah, subscribed too 🙂

  6. dustovshio says

    Do you think the tokina will be a noticeable improvement over a canon 18-135 for portaits (at 135 mm) f 3.5-5.6 IS STM for portraits?

  7. Carlos Molina says

    Hi there, what's you opining on a 105mm for portraits?, great video

  8. Divi Photos says

    Great video

  9. Silent D says

    I like the distortion that the 50mm makes more than a telephoto.. The 180 makes the face look flat like its been punched..

    Also a wide lens makes the image look more deep and gives some dimension, rather than the flat compressed image from a tele lens. My portraits are 50mm most of the time

  10. Rob Wearn says

    love you , love your video

  11. BamaBoynCali says

    photography is so expensive to get into but  im going for it. Getting my Nikon D5600 soon with a couple of lenses and hope that my work will grow

  12. Voice of God NY says

    Hi Joe-Thank you for your Bullet point video.I was almost decided on 85 1.8 G.What more the Tokina get me at 100 MM.Im seriously considering Head shot photography and Event photography assignments.There is Then the 100 F2 DC Nikkor with a high price tag.Appreciate much

  13. Antoine Schemkes says

    Thanks for sharing, question: D3400 crop sensor, should i go for a 50mm f1.8 FX much cheaper (€150), or do I need the 85mm f1.8 FX lens (€400,-) I want to do headshots but also full body

  14. lalotong says

    Great video! Very well explained! Thanks!

  15. fractal_force says


  16. Darrell Johnson says

    Hey Joe, I agree with you about the prime lenses… But right now I'm having a little difficulty choosing my favorites right now… I'm shooting with two Nikon d7100 cameras. The lenses I'm having difficulties choosing is my 50 mm 1.8 G lens, 60 mm D 2.8 macro, 105 mm 2.8 macro lens, and the 85 mm 1.4. For testing I'm thinking of just using the 50 mm, and my 105mm, and for my big money makers my 85mm 1.4. And for my sports and full body fashion, I'm thinking of getting the old all the focus 300mm f4. What do you think?

  17. Jaime Moreno says

    Yeah! i just bought the Tokina 100mm, nice surprise

  18. Sam Biswas says

    Absolute favorite shirt

  19. Master Photog says

    Another great, simple and to-the-point video tutorial. Keep up the good work!

  20. Jason Endy says

    I’m a little late on the comment train, I just came across your videos today and subscribed. I’m in NC waiting for the hurricane to pass! Does a macro lens make a difference in portraits? I was going to kill two birds with the Sony FE 2.8 90mm macro. I dabble in food pics but wanted to try portraits. your awsome btw!

  21. Hero Shotz says

    How about best mft portrait lens ?

  22. Hub Towner says

    I have that lens 🙂 Love it.

  23. TheQQjeff says

    Hi jeo, can u explain m4/3 and focal lenght relating this topic?
    Like the distortion and etc on m4/3 lens? Thx

  24. Michaela Cannon says

    How will that Tokina 100mm macro do on a crop sensor canon (T6s) for portraits?

  25. Pedrin Nieves says

    Like all video I see before, great information…thank you, you do a wonderful work helping other people, God bless you, your family and all the other that do the same as you do.

  26. Bill McDonald says

    More great advice, Joe. I'm ahead of it, so it's good to have my existing purchases confirmed. I have a crop-sensor body and I use a Canon 'nifty fifty' [EF 50mm f1.8] and a Sigma 105 macro lens. I have found that both lenses excel at portraiture when mounted to an APS-C body. For those on a budget, an entry-level crop sensor body and the nifty fifty will get you where you want to be for the least amount of dosh.

  27. Isfi Moix says

    Verry nice ur video

  28. HTC Maria says

    Mil gracias por estar en español y por argumentarlo todo. Lo hace tan fácil para los, demás….

  29. Bruce Maddox says

    if you are using a FX 24MP body or less, the Nikkor 180 AF f/2.8 is god-like in it's ability to render as a portrait lens should. It's also easy to buy used, and has no internal motor to fail. Outstanding color, depth, bokeh, and not clinical as all macro lenses are. Distortion, but not compression ends at 85mm. Look at a portrait taken with a fast 300mm. Amazing!!

  30. Kemi Adun says

    Hi so what is the best lens to use to take a family of 5 people. Is the 24-70 OK or 23-105 from the canon L lens range . pls advice thanks

  31. BaddaBigBoom says

    Excellent well presented advice, thumbs up/subbed.

  32. BaddaBigBoom says

    70mm Lens close up: Great portrait 24mm Lens close up: Barry Manilow 😉

  33. Rensnswmn6262 says

    Hi Joe, I recently came upon your site and I love all of your videos. Fun, informative and great tips. I know this vid is almost two years old, but I was wondering if you could do a vid of how you use it for portraits in the studio. Do you limit the range? I have a 6D full frame and I get some vignetting. Also, do you mind the focusing issues.


    You're the best photography teacher ever

  35. Jose Antonio says

    Very precise… short, but enought explanation, easy to understand and not getting lost in unnecesary details. Really useful.

  36. Stan Kumiega III says

    What if you're trying to shoot a group of 40-50 people, in a conference room with a high ceiling and you only have 1 on camera flash? I was thinking of purchasing a wide angle lens, either a Canon 10-18mm or Tamron 10-24mm. I'm usually worried about fitting everyone in the shot and making sure it's properly exposed.

  37. DreamStone Studios says

    Hi Joe, your video was May 2016 and now as we are in late March 2018, do you still think the Tokina 100mm f/2.8 lens is still the top dog in its arena? Or something else is better out there? We have a Panasonic Lumix GH-5 Micro-Four-Thirds EF mount camera with a canon EF metabone adapter so not sure the Tokina will even fit it…? your advice is appreciated. Thanks!

  38. Electroprint says

    What focal length does 100mm covert to for a APC-s camera?

  39. Nickyboy says

    What about micro 4/3 cameeas?

  40. John De Zuniga says

    Very helpful, straight forward thank you

  41. Enrique Page says

    Thanks Joe, again you gave us another amazing video!
    First time I used a 50mm prime, I made the mistake of filling the frame, as such, there's noticeable distortion on every photo from that session. I've been thinking if it's possible to fix some of those photos, maybe using a (correct) portrait photo as a guide and then modifyng the photo in Photoshop, using the distort tool to shrink the center of the image, so we get closer to the real deal. What do you think?

    Again, thanks a lot for your videos! I've been binge watching them since yesterday. You just got a new subscriber from all the way from Argentina!

  42. Aziz says

    One of the best videos I've ever seen about photography. Thanks.

  43. Esaa Saggus says

    Wow. Great video. I have a Cannon T2i with a 50mm lens. I been taking pictures about six months. I definitely want to be working on portraits and full body but I don't know how far back to shoot from without their feet being cropped out the picture? Any suggestions?

  44. M. Sifflet says

    At first I was skeptical, but today it's all to your credit. You are a pro!

  45. Web Analytics says

    Great video – Joe is both a gifted photographer AND instructor (a rare combination). Really clear/concise explanations; i.e. Why 85mm is considered a great focal length for portraits.

  46. stonewall2112 says

    Thank you! I learned so much from this video. The information here is very well explained.

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