10 Tips to Up Your Street Photography Game


Helping guide on how you can improve your street photography featuring photographers Joshua K Jackson and Craig Whitehead (a.k.a. SixStreetUnder)

Filmed With:
Canon C300 II:
Canon 40mm STM: Canon 40mm STM:
Canon 10-18mm:

Cameras Used:

My CVP Kit: My Gear:

Craig Whitehead (aka SixStreetUnder):
Joshua K Jackson:

Birocratic – Prismatic
Blue Wednesday – Step by Step
Joakim Karud – Canals
Birocratic – Tony’s Belated Breakfast
Esbe – Darling
Birocratic – Gourmet
Birocratic – Cruisin’

  1. Depot msa says

    Get a fujifilm camera , dress nice and take photos

  2. Mário Lavrador says

    Great video, thank you!

  3. cwmprysor says

    Good video, made me want to pick up the camera and get out there! I have always been nervous about taking street shots so maybe it will help. Thx man.

  4. Thomas Züllich says

    9:48 … turn around man …. arghhhh

  5. Mike Button says

    hmmmmm not bad…. just be ready to shoot and do it man…. Set it up on P (program) at 250 shutter speed min. @ f.4 to .8. You'll be good… More important ;have fun and go f..ing shoot. Nice vid!

  6. Elliott O'Callaghan says

    i want that shot at 6:36 framed and on my wall!!!

  7. MkG Carpography says

    depends where you live for first point. The lake district, you would look out of place without a camera. a town or working class neighbourhood and everyone thinks your jimmy savall

  8. Hacker By Night says

    The first street photographer honestly looks exactly like the evil major hat guy from the first Indiana Jones movie

  9. Nelson Moreno says

    So one of my biggest tips also for people getting involved in street photography… dress down very much learn body language there's a lot of time ..nice nod or smile. Will get you the okay to take a picture without ruining or breaking the moment and trying to quote restart it again

  10. Nelson Moreno says

    I'm actually having a show here in Brooklyn on all of my street photography at the end of March opinions preciate it..check me out Terrence_ Miele on ig Siamese cat thumbnail…. also for those. Interested I will probably be doing a workshop that weekend and photo review . it will be Free…. DM me through my Instagram account if you're interested

  11. satrsmndri says

    Street photography is just going to get harder and harder. The average person doesn't even know what street photography is and can't understand why you'd want to take pictures of random strangers. I realized this when I started doing it as a hobby that nobody, not a single family member or friend of mine understood it. The average person immediately thinks creep or pervert, because why else would they want a photo?

    Also, any camera you bring up to your eye is immediately going to set off red flags. I use my phone now about 90% of the time because everybody is out there snapchatting and instagramming with their phone anyways so you won't be noticed, and the lens on it is very good. The other 10% of the time I use a PAS, which is small enough to go unnoticed. I used to use a leica but people would get guarded every time I pulled the camera up to my face to focus.

    Also, before I get criticism, I am always sociable with them if they notice me but there is obviously no way to get candid photos on the street if they aren't candid and you're asking for permission all the time.

  12. Karol Milk says

    I'm going to watch the video now, but first I really wanna know: this red backpack… where can I buy it?
    I need/want a camera bag that looks more casual (which basically does not look like a camera bag). I think it's safer!
    Thank you and hello from Brasil 🙂

  13. ItsMinarmy says

    The guy in the Stutterheim raincoat is trying way too hard to compose a picture or tell a story

  14. OP04player says

    Great tips

  15. Mango Steel says

    Lol 😂 anyone noticed that that same guy was still texting from the middle of the video till the end in the shame position! That’s one hell of a conversation he had going on

  16. Gabriel Nevarez Peinado says

    Thank you😀

  17. LaggyMoo says

    What lens does 6streetunder use ?

  18. Michael says

    I want to go back in time to the 1980s Hugh Hefner Playboy Mansion and take my camera with me. Blonde women with big boobies are my favourite.

  19. Greg White says

    Great video! (Also, hell yeah, Peak Designs!)

  20. CrueLoaf says

    Thanks for this. I nearly got in a fight when someone accused me of taking sneaky photos. I lost a lot of confidence. Rebuilding now!

  21. wallstruss says
  22. Myrmidon says

    1:28 How does that work? You're so close that humans can't even focus that close but your macro lens can?

  23. RK LMBD says

    Bollocks. Treat it like wildlife, use a long lens, compose the scene and wait for the shot to appear.

  24. Jessye Hütner says

    show your setup to record this video plz! cherrs!

  25. Shaka says

    Did anyone notice the shop named “Slug and Lettuce”? Eww!

  26. Hilltop Viewer says

    Hi,I enjoyed this video, very informative and witty.Cool cameras as well, and clothing! I am a beginner and like using an old Rolleiflex Automat K4B 1954-1956 and always thought about trying to conceal the camera without being in peoples faces, the end is funny were he snaps the oriental girl.Thank You!

  27. Lise Sharkey says

    thank you for these ideas (I just have a cheap Aldi camera, even THAT isnt easy to use as yet…)

  28. Anne Spellberg says

    Wow. Your China Town is so clean. Come to San Francisco and prepared to be amazed and sickened. 🙂

  29. Kartmann Choi says

    3:15 this shot is really amazing

  30. Guenounovitch says

    Xpro 2 isn't a hipster camera

  31. beeblefoxx says

    "assume a role that's completely non-threatening" says the guy in the gestapo villain halloween outfit

  32. Chris Stenberg says

    I really enjoyed this one. Good tips for bollocks growing and professional sausage hiding.

  33. Tristan Heck says

    haha.. pro tip for street photography

    be an asshole

  34. Jovanny Morales says

    dressing like Spy vs Spy .. fun vid!

  35. Pinmarcus says

    And secondly, those are Leica’s right? The model from the hat guy is 4500€!! Leica is expensive

  36. Pinmarcus says

    Then I might ty with my d700 with a 28-300mm😂 I’ll start saving money for the 50mm

  37. Supermale Vitality says

    love the lofi beats ♩

  38. cloudsymph says

    Anyone know what backpack josh is using????????

  39. Ash Fields says

    What I want to know is where did he get that lovely wooden grip? 2:58

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