Senior Pictures- Go behind the Scenes w/ King Street Studios

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A behind the scenes video of a high school senior portrait session shot in Charleston, SC.

King Street Studios specializes in magazine quality high school senior pictures. Our goal is always provide our clients with the highest quality, most natural looking senior portraits we can!

All photographs by Todd Surber
Copyright© King Street Studios

Be sure to check out: “Pro Business Portraits- Highlight Slideshow- Top Charleston Photographer”


  1. Jennifer Zugelder says

    I really really wanna be comfortable with off camera flash/umbrella to pop some light in. I am all natural light and try to find the nice happy shady spots mixed with the dramatic light…but I am missing out on OCF. I'm noticing it more with your work, and Justin Betancourt. I want to move up to a new level and provide something more than "just natural light". Do you do workshops?

  2. polymath says

    I'm not from US. But do clarify: what's this whole rigmarole about senior portraits? I understand that you need to commemorate your high school graduation with photographs but aren't students these days going overboard with this with all those personal pro photoshoots? What happened to those vanilla headshots which students got for their yearbooks back in 70s or 80s? And why does it have to be like a Vogue or Victoria's Secret photoshoot with half of their juvenile buttocks visible on the frame? The cost of hiring you would be equivalent to one year's highschool tuition fee from where I hail! I think senior portrait photography is offering some hope to failed wannabe fashion or wedding photographers and help satisfy themselves with the scantily clad, self-obsessed, dizzy highschoolers. As a teacher or parent I wouldn't approve of such self-worship and for God's sake, it's only highschool that that they've graduated. That's basic hygiene. I don't see a reason to celebrate that like a red carpet event. Or are they happy that it's a big achievement for a single-digit IQ of theirs? But on the bright side, it's increasing the Gross Domestic Product of US!

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