How to Make YoVille Whiteboard Photo Art


This video shows my latest drawing program, which is available as a free download from

This tool requires no external programs such as cheat engine, etc. It works by moving the mouse and clicking, while internally changing the color. This program downloads the pen data while drawing, so no files are needed aside from the drawing program.

You can also use this program to put your own custom image on a whiteboard. See for more information on how to do this.

  1. mohamed elbahr says

    we want more coeds

  2. vector65535 says

    @mikeallen145 Version 1.2 has just been posted which includes Alt-Shift-2 as a hotkey in addition to Alt-Shift-F2

  3. vector65535 says

    @mikeallen145 What alternative key would be good? Perhaps Alt-Shift-2 (number 2)? I sometimes find myself hitting that by mistake instead of F2. I'll put this in the next version.

  4. vector65535 says

    @gamerchanger A reasonable question. There is a lot of bad stuff out there.

    My program has no viruses or spyware. It's hard for me to PROVE that it is clean, but you can judge based on my reputation. For quite a while I have been making programs (and non-programs such as the photo tour) to help with yoville. See my other videos and my blog.

  5. gamerchanger says

    Does this program have a virus

  6. Arif Masood says

    Mail sent mate. Appreciate ur hard work and also appreciate that you are willing to share it with others. rare trait these days. Best wishes for u & this new program that looks real good :).. regards, Arif.

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