grwm senior pictures | smooth skin & a lil playlist


HEYYY GUYS sorry for the late upload i was supposed to get this up yesterday buuuuuut whateva its up now right????? anywho thank u all for watching and supporting me! thanks for 17k as well!!!!! never thought id get this far hehe.. but the giveaway is coming soon i just have to get a couple more things for it! comment some videos yall would like to see as well 🙂

@davianna0 on everyythanggg

eyebrows – elf lock on liner & brow cream medium brown
tarte shape tape concealer
rcma no color powder
morphe 35f
wander beauty unleashed mascara
smashbox photo finish primer
cover fx blurring primer
makeup forever ultra hd foundation stick y375
la girl pro concealer porcelain
laura mercier translucent powder
wet n wild contour pallete dulce de leche
too faced coco contour light to medium
anastasia beverly hills so hollywood highlighter
milani baked blush rose d’oro


    What’s your cats name 😢😖♥️♥️

  2. cristina hernandez says

    pls do a skin care routine. Ur skin looks so gooodd 😍😍

  3. Kayla Anchondo says

    What curling iron did you use??

  4. Laura Brice says

    Room tour 😍😍

  5. Jackie ! says

    I love the way you do your makeup and listen to music 😍 your so pretty and btw where did you go to get your hair done that color is so pretty girl 😣

  6. Jazmin Aguilar says

    where did you get your vanity at ? btw you’re so beautiful, always poppin 😈 anyways i’m new to your channel & i already love itt ! keep it up girly💖

  7. Melissa g says

    You should tint your eyebrows girly!

  8. Jasmine Gonzalez says

    Your so gorgeous and I love ur videos!💛 what do you use to edit ur videos and what do u use to record? I’m thinking about starting YouTube but I have no idea we’re to start

  9. bReeZy says

    take a shot everytime davi says o whateva💕

  10. Divya Gugnani says

    Love your look for senior photos! #Unlashed looks great on you 😍

  11. Infinity Lover says

    Your so pretty ❤️ but also you remind me of this other youtuber named life of dezi or desi

  12. Desiree Capps says

    Skincare routine please????❤❤❤

  13. Joann Alaquinez says

    You’re so pretty , what color is your hair ? 😍😢

  14. HeyItsAlexia says

    You’re so pretty

  15. Jasmine G says

    where’s your shirt from?

  16. SHOOK BITCH says

    Why tf everyone pressed cuz she cusses ??? Keep cussin tf who care omaigaaa butttt ur nose sounds stuffed lmfaoo was u sick ??

  17. rosy ramirez says

    Flawless 😍

  18. Entisarr Ahmedd says

    Plsss make more videos

  19. Alicia Castro says

    do a room tour

  20. kimmy y says


  21. 6pac 1 says

    you look beautiful on the inside

  22. Leticia Martinez says

    So pretty 😭😍!

  23. nobody likes alicia says

    or whateva

  24. Gina Lynn Kitson says

    y’all shit up. this her channel. if she wanna cus or use “language” she can. don’t leave comments talking bout how “i was gunna subscribe, but…” leave her alone

  25. gollo l. says

    New subscriber❤❤

  26. gollo l. says

    You are so beautiful😍😍 I love your videos💗

  27. Gabby Morquecho says

    what hair curler did you use? it looks soo good😍

  28. Marisol Colin says

    I LOVE YOUR VIDEOSSS ! ily 💞💞 you should do an eyebrow tutorial plzzz <3

  29. Ms. Ezmirelda says

    Wonderful video!!!

  30. Sarah Martin says

    I was going to watch the full video and hit that subscribe button but all the foul language is to much! Sorry hunny but it’s not good especially if little ones are watching your videos, they’ll think it’s ok to speak like this. Much love to you, stay Blessed everyone!🙏❤️

  31. Jaqueline Garcia says

    I love your personality 😍

  32. Sarah Martin says

    Language please!❤️

  33. Howyougunna 438 says


  34. Michelle Cox Photography says

    Fun video! 🙂

  35. Joslin Vargas says

    Oh my god that black cat is so cuteee 😩😩😩😭😭😭 Lmaoo I love cats

  36. krystian martinez says


  37. krystian martinez says

    YAY !!

  38. unknown mystery says

    That cat scared the crap out of me but your so beautiful

  39. Jazzy Fernandez says

    Room tour please! 💛

  40. It's. Jessica says

    Do you put nair for your mustache? And your lookin cute O WhAtEvE 😍😍

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