Cool Long Exposure Photography Ideas

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Create cool photographs with long exposure tricks!


As it’s the season of doing long exposures (if you’re out shooting christmas light and fireworks), here are some ideas that you might want to try out during this festive season and beyond!

Music credit:
Batty McFaddin by Kevin MacLeod (

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  1. Eric K. says

    Terrible shots, terrible instruction. Pity.

  2. Xrp I love thee says

    How boring is this

  3. Up coming cloud rapper luca says

    I'm trying to replicate some of Alexey Titarenko's work for my university project. Using a ND filter with a Nikon D7000 but I'm not seeing the results I am looking for. Any advice?

  4. Human I Am Not says

    Does anyone else think he soundsb like Moss from the IT CROWD

  5. Pj M says

    after 3 minutes i finally had enough of listening to random pointless utter shyte,

  6. Omar Wave says

    – The top gear of photography

  7. Christel Ruttens says

    Forgot your lipbalm dude?

  8. Colored Lines says

    You need a press pass to bring a tripod in busy public areas…get a fine or make sure you have a license.

  9. Oeufcoque says

    5:50 Oh sh!t!

  10. oneleggedlifter says

    Why dont you just set a timer….

  11. Maximilian Urbaneck says

    That's crazy I am watching this on January 1st 2019 😂😂

  12. William YQB says

    when you forget your remote just program the timer…. #tip

  13. Raul C says

    Not prepared with the right equipment for a tutorial… Why you don´t spend 2 minutes at your place before leaving home???

  14. Einar Jungmann says

    Some of yours videos are funny and useful, but you did a lot of jokes which is not funny at all, and a lot of time viewers lost.

  15. Tomlin Gaming says

    Good Lord that first minute was full blown cringe

    Update: Most of the video is cringe

  16. stewart dickson says

    What filters do you use? I have had bad experiences with filters changing the colours

  17. Joe Albergo says

    As a beginner, I'm very grateful for all these videos. Thank you.

  18. W.A.S.P says

    Déjà vu

  19. AKN says

    I'm so scared it might drop every time u hold it unsafely

  20. Ouje says

    Why do british people say the word bloody so much

  21. m. alifdanial says

    hurt my ears in 2018

  22. MrGymCredible says

    This guy. I didn’t get it at first but then I got it and for the first time YouTube created within me an actually chuckle

  23. Yoonjae Lee says

    2018 Oct?

  24. Jo99 Studios says


  25. Lunacare Cymru says

    Best Photographers Show Right here :')

  26. Justin Bos says

    You can also use Timer for your long exposure.. Then u dont move the camera

  27. A A says

    Sofa stomping weirdo

    Have my upvote

  28. KT Gyatso says

    Damnnn 2012

  29. Cabib Tanggomay says

    6:14 this is why photographers only submits 1-2 photos out of 1000 to their clients 😁

  30. Andre Butarbutar says

    Can anyone tell me where can i get that super black filter?
    I need your help

  31. Matt says

    Anyone recommend a good tripod under $200? I have a Canon 80D with a 55-250mm lens attached. Thank you

  32. Maximino Toto says


  33. Prog47 says


  34. sunan musafir says

    you talk to much every time. just do it. and stop doing comedy. bla bla bla you're not funny at all.

  35. Leendert Cordemans says

    Which ND filter did you used in your movie?

  36. Edward J Ford says

    Okay, coming off snarky

  37. Soumyajit Paul says

    I'm not racist but seriously you should change your accent from British accent to Chinese accent

  38. Aaron 572 says

    I really like how you can make the whole crowd disappear with that 2 min exposure

  39. King Michael Pili says

    its more cooler if you tell us what could be the setting tho..

  40. Clay Webb says

    People that don't get this guy are in all probability American……or German.
    He's like an Asian Richard Ayoade – and they won't have a clue who he is either!

  41. Leendert Cordemans says

    Which ND filter die you use?

  42. Nerte says

    If only modern cameras had features like delayed shutter….

  43. Joy Dutta Majumder says

    Why is he overacting? So annoying.

  44. Borssa Linho says

    Am i the only one that sees Jae Seok in here or what?

  45. Gelo710 says

    Hello. What are the specs for the lens on 2:15 also 2:50

  46. jester legaspi says

    Im watching this in aug2018…

  47. MacOS says

    Im watching this in the summer

    6 years later

  48. InGreed666 says

    What's that filter thing you're using in front of the camera for?

  49. aditya saini says

    trying sooooooooo hard to be funny

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