Best Lenses for iPhone Photography & Videography


6 High End Lens Attachments for the iPhone 7/iPhone7 Plus
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) SMASH THAT SUBSCRIBE BUTTON ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
00:11 – ExoLens –
01:39 – Ztylus Revolver –
02:42 – OlloClip –
04:30 – Insta360 –
05:35 – Moment 2.0 Case & Lens –
09:00 – Moondog Labs Anamorphic Lens –
Crimson Fly – Huma Huma

Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License


  1. GD Promio123 says

    Where is sandmarc

  2. thomas666 says

    Geeeeezzzzzzz… are you trying to replace Tim Cook and become the next Steve Jobs? Sounds like something he would say at one of those Apple cult meetings with developers

  3. Meer Obaidulbarie says

    I have the @moment wide angle lens and it worked amazingly well with my Iphone X during my month long Mexico trip. However, I upgraded to the Iphone Xs Max and pre-ordered the new case, but Moment pushed back the expected ship date which means I won't be able to use my lens for my upcoming Euro trip. I am totally disappointed and looking for a different option. Does anyone know of any side by side comparison of the Moment wide lens and the Sandmarc wide angle lens?

  4. Lina Paulina says

    The talking guy at 7 min is SO HOT!!!!

  5. Fil C says
    Unbox pro 4 lens kit SIRUI HANDS-ON

  6. Bianca Kealoha says

    Took to long to get to the point clicked off

  7. susmit gautam says

    Can u suggest me which camera lensa is better for iphone 6s to take a picture like dslr

  8. Amit Gowala says

    good ha.guys if you want more knowledge of this field so plz vist this site —https://bit. ly/2tGGc9E
    its realy good.

  9. paolo gambini says

    I'm perfectly agree. I received lenses for my birthday but I have to remove the case … I do not use them …. They should warn or write big that they must be used absolutely without storage

  10. OpenDGuitar says

    Began using Moment lenses a couple weeks ago – great slim case, solid high quality lenses. Looking forward to their anamorphic lens.

  11. Iamjdmgear says

    I do all my YouTube off the olloclip and ollo studio case. 👍🏼

  12. KK Kurly says

    How do you buy the exolens

  13. Gabriel Bustos says

    This is so wonderful and dedicated…but what is the regular price?

  14. Lag Duck says

    Wow that anamorphic lens is really cool

  15. Ahmed Ali says


  16. Michael Curry says


  17. Pebles Luciano says

    What if I prefer android? I wont buy an Iphone just because I like photography

  18. ronald ferreira says

    beautiful women

  19. dn08Hf1xK0q1 says

    Guys , i really DON'T like how you try to fool the people and show mostly Canon shots, WE ARE NOT ALL STUPID !

  20. Alex Trujillo says

    "Life flies by you and is made up of these little moments that only happen once and then they're gone" ❤️

  21. Syd Barrett says

    Lenses are great but only if they correctly fit over the case your phones in. If I have to keeping taking the case off my phone just to use a lens for a picture then it’s just a pain in the ass and not worth it. Phones are too expensive to risk dropping without its case on just for a lens

  22. Joie Mojica-Gahum says

    Great vid! Is this shot with the lenses? I got a roadeavour one. Pretty good.

  23. morgan nelson says

    Was this video shot with an IPhone ?

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