Football Player Showed His D*ck In School Photo And Was Arrested

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A high school football player posed for his yearbook picture with his wang out. Hannah and Charlie tell you what happened to the student his rock his yearbook pic out with his c*ck out. Let us know about your senior pranks.

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  1. Adrian D says

    Please start using the subjunctive, people! I notice this constantly on Think Tank lol you guys say "was" when you should be using the subjunctive "were"! Obviously I am over-exaggerating my aggravation hahaha but still. I know you are educated. Just use the subjunctive and keep the proper use of the English language alive! I love you Hannah and John, etc. This is my favorite channel by far. Haha, thanks for "listening" to my rant. :o)

  2. Brandon says

    I don't feel bad. This kid is a dip shit.

  3. inffected 0 says

    she pronounced Mesa as Messa and thats really annoying…

  4. SpiritHawk7 says

    I feel like his treammates (#1 & #81, mostly #1) in front of him were in on it considering the gap between both of their arms. Class photos of any kind are notorious for a group of people to be uncomfortably pushed up against another person in order to fit a giant group of people into the frame of a single photo. Look at every other player in this picture, shoulder to shoulder, flat arm against flat arm with no visible space between them, except right in front of the player exposing himself. Coincidence, I think not.

  5. Mr. Allen C. Sokolik Jr. says

    I am a 41yr old man that mooned my middle school cafeteria during lunch back in the 80's cuz one of my friends dared me & bet me ten bucks to do that & so I got up on the stage that the cafeteria had back then bent over & dropped my pants and underwear while doing that the principal walked in the room & saw my naked ass also I did not see him while doing that cuz my back & ass was facing everyone in the cafeteria so I heard him yell at me & I knew my ass was in trouble so he pulled me into his office but as we were leaving my friend handed me the 10 dollars but while in his office he called my mother & when she came to get me I was grounded for a month & this was when I was 12yrs old in the 80's thank god no one had camera cell phones back then or else my naked ass would had be broadcasted on youtube & pics of it as well.

  6. Aaron Richards says

    They should not make an excuse for an almost twenty year old kid because if your going to be stupid enough to do the crime you have to own up to the crime. Sending pics to her friend is way different than it being done in public for miners on the team and at the school to see especially when I am sure some parents did not want their kids seeing this sort of thing being done in a school book or on school property. This kid should respect the morals of others around him and just take a picture for the team and not some picture that nobody will be able to show to anyone now because of some stupid stunt and crime.

  7. Rebecca Grossman says

    My senior year, one of the students on the yearbook committee wrote "(name) is a fag" below one the photos. None of the faculty or staff working on editing saw it, so therefore, it got published. After yearbooks were released it was a complete shit show. Seniors were told they couldn't attend graduation if they didn't return their yearbooks. I don't know what incentive they gave to the non-senoirs, but they made damnsure every single yearbook was returned.

  8. austinhoston says

    People in Arizona pronounce it mey-suh not messa.

  9. Half Star Films says

    This country is in the shitter when people get in real trouble for a fun joke. What's worse is the a-holes who called the police or the people crying about his prank.

  10. BodaciousCNO says

    Flash what?

  11. SilvanaDil says

    — Hannah, if you exposed your breasts nobody would notice.
    — I don't feel sorry for this guy. People pay lots of money for yearbooks. (I'm surprised that TT didn't come down on him for his sense of white privilege entitlement, etc.)

  12. Kyle Irvine says

    Not strict enough. He should have got the death penalty

  13. Timothy Malabey says

    He's also now going to be labeled as a sex offender for the rest of his life having to deal with everything that comes with that "label". smh…way overboard, but people don't understand how something like this can completely scar the rest of your life.

  14. RedspawnSilver says

    Wayyyyyy overboard…

  15. Deep ScarZ says

    69 Counts u Say…

  16. CubedCubes MCCSG says

    Does it bother anyone else that the computer isn't centered in the camera, or is it just me? LOL

  17. Brent P says

    Hannah seems to LOVE these DICK-A-BOO stories.

  18. ImDemonWolf says

    I think the punishment is too harsh.

  19. Josh Bailor says

    As Cenk always says let em go!

  20. BroTheDude says

    What would happen if these kids saw this pic? Would their heads explode? Would they be traumatized for life? Is the local law enforcement full of morons?

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