Teacher Posts "Lewd" Photo, Parents Pulling Students From School


“Parents at a school in Canada say they’ve pulled their children out of class after escalating complaints over the conduct of the schools’ principal. The issues with Penny Mueller, who leads the Crestomere School near Edmonton in Alberta, go as far back as 2009 when she llewdly posed next to the Washington Monument while in the U.S. capital for a taxpayer-funded conference. One other teacher at the school was fined $500 and reprimanded by the Alberta Teacher’s Association for putting up another risque photograph on Facebook after teachers and former students claimed they were shocked by its content.”

Cenk Uygur ( and Ana Kasparian ( of The Young Turks discuss the story. Do you think the teacher should’ve been punished? Tell us what you think in the comment section below.

  1. Adam Palmer says

    Stupid parents

  2. David Harris says

    Sorry we have a religous right here in Canada too. Don't worry we will soon have our own version of d trump in Ontario if Dougy Ford gets elected. (he's the brother of Torontos crack smoking mayor who lied and said his brother didn't do it).

  3. Somy Ajeet says

    Ahh, Alberta: the Texas of the North.

  4. omar ngadi says

    She needs a man

  5. Tigranis says

    There's a reason many Canadians nickname Alberta 'Texas North'. This is f'n ridiculous.

  6. Morgan Sheehy says

    Actually changing schools in Alberta isn't really a big deal back when me and my little bro still lived there between the two of us we changed schools four times.

  7. boredgeek says

    So, I am Canadian, and this isn't that surprising coming from Alberta.  Alberta is the province most like the US.  I mean, it is the hotbed of the Conservative Party in Canada, and it is where our PM Stephen Harper is from. And he only won 40% of the vote in Canada so most Canadians did not vote for a conservative party, but a lot of Alberta did.

  8. Shawn says

    That's a fucking awesome picture. 

  9. Jesse Desjarlais says

    To be fair, Alberta is the most conservative and dare I say the most 'American-Envy' than any other province in Canada.

  10. Candice D says

    I'm sorry! Usually you do such nice stories about Canada that make me feel like we're number 1!!! XD But really, parents can do whatever they want, even if it seems ridiculous. As long as she doesn't get fired, than that's just stupid. ___ 

  11. selsuru says

    Canada is not better then this, Canada is actually a really really horrid country, it's filled with bigots, christians, morons, etc galore.

  12. Mike Cimerian says

    Why am I not surprised it is happening in Alberta.

  13. Blood Angel says

    Choose a job that involves children.
    Choose to be an attention whore on social media.

    Pick one.

  14. Gabby B says

    From a kid's standpoint, who cares what my teacher does after school. Cool, if I walk into them after school I'll say hi, but if they decide to put a joke up on Facebook or their friend it doesn't matter. If my mom got upset over it, enough to take me out of school, that's when I'd be offended/annoyed.

  15. Rain Man says

    If a guy was doing it he would be called a sexist pig!

  16. Melissa Miller says

    I just went to a party this weekend and most of the girls there were teachers. Believe me your kids teachers aren't saints. Most of the girls are high school teachers, but the kindergarten teacher was by far the craziest. 

  17. undercop5567 says

    Sad that parents would pull their kids out of school over something as trivial as this.  But what are you going to do?  Try to create a common sense law?

  18. Christian kathryn Grimes says

    I agree with the picture she posted some shorts are just too short or too tight

  19. Dragonking1984 says

    I don't see the issue here. what lewd pic are they talking about? i just seen a pic of 3 people having a good time. is having a good time considered lewd now? it could of been worse. i have seen worse. that same pose at a frat house but with the woman in only a string bikini. this overreacting crap needs to go away and take being PC with it.

  20. grahepo says

    wow, so tyt is now telling parents what they should do??? what conceited douche bags

    what that woman did is exactly what i don't want my children to be doing, and i certainly don't want my children to have the impression that you can act decent in school and act stupid anywhere else!

  21. Matthew Couto says

    Canada IS better than this…

    Alberta is not. They're Canada's Texas.

  22. Alberta is like a Canadian Texas.  Don't bash us all!

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