1. Schae Venhuizen says

    OMG! CARMEN lol

  2. Cheyenne Felicia says

    You look beautiful without makeup and with makeup on too 😉

  3. Jake McLean says

    Thank you so much for this video. I sort of feel like I am that invisible person and I think people just judge me all the time for who I am but I still just go along being myself and doing my own thing. Anyway, it was nice to watch this and sort of feel that pain with you if you know what I mean. Keep being amazing 🙂 Oh and nice pics by the way xD

  4. Morgan Higgins says

    Fun photos, thanks for sharing!

  5. Kelly Rose Kelly says

    I was the same way in high school. Like I learned a lot from my harsh experiences in middle school. So I stayed under the radar in high school. So I had friends, but not a lot. Nobody picked on me, but nobody knew me. I was invisible. 

  6. Simin Sara says

    You look a little like Kesha OwO

  7. day0ldh8 says

    I love how you can lay in bed and talk to us with doing your make up and hair. Its just so personal and one of the reasons why your my favorite person on YouTube. (:

  8. Letícia Martins says

    I look to my old pics and i feel like "what the hell i was thinking when i took this?" Sometimes i have the same toughts looking to my last week pics lol

  9. Arará K. Palma. says

    Thanks for sharing 🙂

  10. Khanh Nguyen says

    So proud of how far you've come!

  11. Eimear Reilly says

    I just graduated secondary school this year and I swear I feel the exact same as you do about my own photos.. it's crazy think that we all smile in photos even though a lot of the time we feel like shit.. It's like we're lying anyone who sees the photos years later

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