First Time Wedding Photography shoot


Darkness is Coming by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution licence (

Video shot with gopro hero4 silver.
In this Video I try and show how hard it can be to photograph in low light as a wedding photographer.
Its never easy but I ask can your camera do the job you need to do with the help of a good friend or family member it well make things that little bit more steady and the more you work together the better your picture will be

  1. Shaun Hilton says

    Great advice Chris 👌👍

  2. sondrag2 says

    crack on! u are a genius..and I am a videoperson turned photog,i am using 2 dslr
    one i will specifically set for OUTDOOR ( sunshine state here) and one for INDOOR to prevent the panic !…..i do one long lens,one medium wide angle. problem solved!
    i am one of those 'do it" and find the shot..not tech hero….

  3. Duja Music says

    I so glad I stumbled to this video. Great information and straight to the point!!!

  4. Thats it I have had enough. I have now watched 4 of your videos and feel I just have to subscribe. 😀 Like in the previous comment I too stumbled across your videos and found what you had to offer so refreshing from the others I had been watching. Thanks for what you do and for sharing it with us. Keep up the good work. – Adam 🙂

  5. Mike Williams says

    Chris should you ask client to feed or provide bottle water, ect. for the days shoot?

  6. Muhammad Sahl says

    To not get caught out with forgetting to adjust your ISO in different lighting scenarios, would you consider using auto-ISO? By the way, thank you for the video and the down to earth advice Chris.

  7. Keller Coleman says

    great info.

  8. Keller Coleman says

    great info.

  9. Keller Coleman says

    great points. thanks

  10. Keller Coleman says

    great points. thanks

  11. unteroffizier says

    I like your pictures.

  12. rdoctor91 says

    I'm really enjoying your vids and music, good stuff Chris

  13. Andrew Frost says

    I really love your enthusiasm Chris.

  14. DAVID HIRST Photo says

    Hey chris,good video fella. Weddings lol like marmite a bit for me. But im in the leave em alone camp. I Done them myself and worked for another photographer shooting them. But i preffer to work alone and thats why i shoot landscapes. The moneys great when you do em,but for me life aint about money. As long as i can get by and pay me bills them i am happy. I say best of luck to those that shoot wedding though. Im the kinda person who can be in a room full of people and still feel alone,always been a loner and thats why i just dont do them anymore. But the vid will help others for sure 😉

  15. Andrew Henning says

    well done Chris. Done one or two small weddings but I avoid being Bob at all costs if I can.

  16. Jawad Saleem says

    OMG.. I'm uncle Bob. The one who gets invited to a great events unexpectedly and then they follow it up with 'and bring your camera' 🙁
    Great video as always Chris. Its been a while. Hope you've been well.

  17. Shaun Hilton says

    Brilliant like it also loved finishing soundtrack good work… 😃

  18. ozmid40scouple says

    I don't know how I stumbled across your videos but what a breath of Fresh Air………….easy listening voice, relaxed dialogue and great advice and guidance!   And some great locations you get to on your landscape photography!  Subscribed and waiting for your next video……..

  19. TwoWheelsOnly says

    just round the bend from me that (im in Hugglescote)

    will check that place out for a few snaps.

    keep at it ma man.

  20. Bearded Bushcraft says

    Good bit of advice, I have my first weddings this year, I'm not nervous at all as I know the Bride and family. I've been taking photographs in halls and leisure centres for childrens Birthdays I can tell you children are much harder to capture. So Im looking forward to them. ATB, Trev

  21. Matt Spencer says

    My favourite genre, I like all photography, landscape, portraiture, sports/action, street. There is so much I enjoy. I am shooting manual and achieving some good results but I am still in the process of knowing what I want to achieve and disappointed when it doesn't work. My fiancee tells me I have all the gear and no idea!!!! Thanks for your offer of help, I may take you up on that. Cheers

  22. Paul says

    Excellent Stuff Chris….ALWAYS remember the ISO, i have been caught out!!!
    My latest flickr album……

  23. Matt Spencer says

    I'm still learning Chris, I think it's a long time off for me to do wedding photography. Really enjoy your style of tutorials and I am learning from them. Cheers

  24. Matt Spencer says

    Quality and down to earth tutorial, thanks for sharing and keep them coming

  25. HighDef Movies says

    Thought provoking mate…..well covered

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