High School Album Flip through | DIY Photo Album | Scrapbook | Photo Album Ideas

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This video is a video of my photo album flip through. It is an 8.5″ x 12″ album and created for a senior in high school.
The paper pad that I used was the MAMBI (Me and My Big Ideas) sheets specialty cardstock.

My goal is to help make memory keeping just a little bit easier for you and to show everyone else how important it is to preserve all the little special moments. Thank you for watching and I hope you have a happy day.

Much love,


Handmade photo albums:

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  1. Meena Singh says

    from where do you took all this papers

  2. toby ferguson says

    Do you have a tutorial on how nbn to make the scrapbook?

  3. Kristin Nicole says

    I’d totally buy one I love that

  4. Virginia Remedi says

    Super cute! Tfs!!

  5. Darlene G says

    How did you make it?

  6. Maisnam Kishorchand says

    I like one like this

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