Photo 101: How to Understand Digital Camera Sensors: DSLR, Mirrorless, Full Frame, APS-C, Cell Phone


Photo 101: How to Understand Digital Camera Sensors: DSLR, Mirrorless, Full Frame, APS-C, Cell Phone

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There are a ton of different cameras on the market today. You have everything from a DSLR to Mirrorless Camera to cropped sensors and cell phones., but what are the differences.

In this Photo 101 video, I help you understand the differences between all the types of cameras and sensors that are offered on the market today.

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Welcome to my YouTube channel, my name is Jared Polin aka the FRO behind FroKnowsPhoto. My goal has been and always will be to create “fun and informative” content to help photographers / videographers of all skill levels.

I create photography tutorials, photography how to, photography DIY and much more. Whether you own a DSLR or Mirrorless Camera, shoot photos, video or both i’m here to help. It doesn’t matter if you own a Nikon, Canon, Sony, Pentax or any other make of camera.

I want to help you take your photography and video skills to the next level, with that I say , welcome to my channel.

  1. Jared Polin says Sign up for this free 11 day mini-video course.

  2. Lighthouse Pictures says

    But in a camera specification site it say Sony a7 is Full frame camera and its sensor is 35mm.

  3. Ricky Curry says

    this video helped A LOT!!

  4. El Calvo Zidane says


  5. iggytse says

    It is not just the size. The dynamic range, low light performance and colour science also need to be taken into consideration. And I truely believe the progress that has been made in recent years is due to the sensor improvements in smart phones as instagram became popular.

    I remember being blown away by the image quality from my Canon G1X bridge camera compared to an older Nikon D90 I had the opportunity to use at an event. I just couldn’t get the image to look good in camera in the D90 and switch back to the G1X.

  6. Scott Hullinger says

    Uh, sensor size does NOT determine how much light is gathered on the sensor. That's what the f/stop of the lens does, either a fast maximum aperture, or a slow one.

  7. Pe Wu says

    Im the 1000 likes 😉

  8. ኢየሱስ ያድናል says

    I wanna take my skills to another level, so hey Jared what can I do?!

  9. Susil Gurung dfm says

    You and your channel is awesome

  10. RufusLeakin says

    Considering the technological advances to the APS-C sensors recently, you can really boost up the ISO without much noise. And there's little difference in image quality between APS-C and full frame sensors unless you're making huge prints. My APSC camera of choice is the Sony a6500, which I love. After shooting Jpegs for years, I just began shooting in raw, and honestly, it makes a difference and the time it takes in Lightroom to post process wasn't as long as I thought it would be.

  11. Yoko Kurama says

    In good lightning is there a big difference in image quality between 1 inch and m43. I know in low light larger sensor is better

  12. Motiur Rahman says

    Thanks , mate

  13. Chowdari sai abhishek says

    Nikon D500 + Sigma 18-35mm F1.8 + Sigma 50-100 f1.8 or Nikon D750+ Tamron 24-70mm f2.8 +Tamron 70-200mm f2.8
    which one to go???

  14. Lucian Iștoc says

    @The Brit With The Camera it used to be a thing,now it's pretty ,,oldschool"

  15. Dipin Thomas says

    i already signed up.and it says i will be getting shortly.but i checked my inbox and i am not getting any mails.please help

  16. CallMeWoodro says

    Hey Jared great vid, question tho. I'm looking to make video segments like they do on ESPN first take, or Fox Sports news. Would you recommend the dlsr or s camcorder on a budget ? Thanks for the vids

  17. The Brit With The Camera says

    Is aps-H sensor a thing?

  18. AIM says

    Hi! I just want to ask, What is better, Canon G5x or Canon M5?

  19. Toni Lähdekorpi says

    You forgot medium format.

  20. Gewglesux says

    Thanks J. very informative as asual.

  21. Mattias Verduijn says

    Great video for us beginners out there! Are you thinking of making one about lenses as well? Cheers

  22. Jinjin Mee says

    as always, very informative

  23. Shankar Nadkarni says

    1000 dollar point and shoot camera??

  24. Nicholas Brooks says

    No Medium format! The Mamiya Leaf 645D produces the most detailed files but wait 'full frame' because of it's name is the biggest you can go. BULLSHIT.

  25. ItsmeVince ! says

    Nice Vids Bro! 🙂 love it …it helps me a lot

  26. Micah Nagaishi-Lyman says

    can i get the 11 days guide resent i am a subscriber but never recieved a copy

  27. Keith Hecker says

    you are very helpful, thank you. this. video also helped me decide witch kind of camera to buy next thank you!

  28. tanikella teja says

    Am planning to get a mirror less can you advice which one to get am a casual photographer and also make short films

  29. Benjamin Vincent says

    2:31 No I don't have a cellphone in my pocket right now since it's in my hand watching this video !!!

  30. Chris Melton says

    Thanks, Jared .. just the kind of info I've been looking for. I've been stepping up my YouTube channel and am considering the Panasonic G7 … any thoughts?

  31. Cory Armitage says

    Awesome explanation! Great topic

  32. Levin Be says

    So many butthurt m43 shooters here smh…

  33. Sam says

    very good video ,just to the point

  34. Tyler Barnes says

    aww c'mon you coulda squeezed in info about m4/3 sensors

  35. Alex Cunha says

    No mention of micro 4/3 ?

  36. Ismail Ahmad Kamran says

    this video may not contain a heck a lot of info. but i have to say, jared really summed up how to take good photos in one video. thanks man. love your videos they have taught me a lot!! keep it up 🙂

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