MyStudio Tabletop Photo Studio: Product Reviews: Adorama Photography TV


Adorama Photography TV presents the MyStudio MS20J Tabletop Photo Studio with Jewelry Kit and Bonus Tripod. This week Mark provides a hands-on review of the MyStudio Tabletop Studio kit and shows how it can be used for producing product photographs with its wealth of accessories.

The MyStudio Tabletop Photo Studio is available for purchase here:

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  1. David Dowson says


  2. Joseph chan says

    Looks good.

  3. michal bla says

    Unfortunately I can't buy this anywhere in Europe if I could I would buy this right now 

  4. Mike Hipszer says

    I could head to any hardware store with $30 and build that NO PROBLEM

  5. Leonel Cortes says

    You got to sell a lot of cheap jewelry to get this (259) and I mean a lot to offset the cost, you're better off making this, I can make this with my son, and make it a weekend activity , add the tripod and will no cost more than 30-40 USD

  6. Diego Eidelman says

    295 ??? it's a joke ? this video looks like a cheap TV advertisement … Mark, you are far more serious than this !

  7. oceandrew says

    All studio kits appear overpriced for what you get but try putting one together yourself and consider the time it took running around and fabricating. If your time isn't worth much it won't cost much. 🙂

  8. Kweamod says

    295 WTFFFFFF

  9. mepickulongtime says

    Guys, you really have to understand that if you sell jewelry and you take pictures of your merchandise you really can afford this set. Not everyone has the skill / time to build everything from scratch. This kit is ready to use if you need this kind of thing. Obviously a cheapo ebay light tent would be sufficient but you would still need lights and backgrounds + lot more stuff.

  10. Lysander Spooner says

    Nice setup. BUT: you can make your own by getting cheap stuff from Home Depot and Michael's craft store for less the $50.

  11. janarine says

    259 for pieces of paper hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

  12. Ahmad M. Hailan says

    great review thank you mark

  13. Shift4g says

    @spikyhead180 It will look like it too.

  14. WylunCustoms says

    very cool product.. but i made my own lightbox out of a cardboard box and white fabric shower curtain.. lol.. however one day i might wanna get something like this product that got reviewed.

  15. spikyhead180 says

    Can make that for $30

  16. johannes914 says

    Would have been great if you had shot some examples.

  17. Zrs says


  18. tumbleweedfarm says

    Good idea, but kinda spendy. I can buy a LOT of poster board and foam core for $259 😉

  19. Mosgaard says

    259$ is alot, but a good review

  20. thuan nguyen says

    cool but very expensive

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