Landscape Photography – 7 Most Important Things I've Learned


There are certain tips and pieces of advice that I find myself giving more than anything else during workshops or in response to email enquiries, and in this video I’ve tried to put them all together.

If you’d like to join me for a landscape photography workshop in Swedish Lapland, Norway, Iceland or the Dolomites I’ll be co-leading groups there in 2019. Check my website for more information

If you’re interested in purchasing any of the gear I use in this video, and you enjoy my videos, please support my work by clicking on the affiliate links below. The US Amazon links are on the left, the UK ones are on the right.
Thanks so much.

Gear I used in this film:
Fuji X-T2 (UK:
Fuji X-T20 (UK:

Fujinon XF10-24mm (UK:
Fujinon XF55-200mm (UK:
Fuji XF18mm (UK:

Wireless Storage: WD MyCloud EX2 (UK:

Microphone = Rødelink Filmmaker Kit (UK:
Drone = DJI Mavic Pro (UK:
Gitzo Mountaineer Series 2 Tripod (UK:
Gitzo Traveller Series 1 Tripod (UK:


Music licensed via Epidemic Sound

  1. Chris Waddell says

    Nice video Andy. I mostly agree with what you were saying, especially about buying the best tripod you can afford, though I did spot a slight contradiction with respect to items 3 & 6, which go hand in hand if you follow them through. However, you also mentioned elsewhere in that video that your best selling image (the camel train in the desert) wasn't planned in any way. You just grabbed the nearest camera available & shot it handheld. So, I ask myself, if you are only getting a 0.1% hit rate on all those thousands of carefully scouted out & planned shots, with an expensive tripod, using a reasonable camera & lens combinations, why bother doing all that & spending all that money when the totally spontaneous shot using cheap gear is your best seller? That "right place, right time" kind of shot mirrors my best selling images too, to some extent. It does make you wonder or at least it makes me wonder.

  2. Lord Kambing says

    if i want to get a camera for travelling, vlogs and landscape photography, what camera type should i get? and what brand is good? i want a good and clear camera with not a price too extreme.

  3. Erasmo Gonzales says

    Great Video for sure, I love photography but I haven’t the courage to start, I always tell myself I no nothings about landscape photography and there so much info out there, I don’t know where to start… fear of the unknown or fear of success!!! They both keep us from our dreams if you let them. I’m 44 years old I was a soldier and police officer for 20 years and now I have no clue what to do…

  4. yue liang says

    very helpful, thanks

  5. John Ronayne says

    Thank you sir. One of the most insightful and encouraging photographic video lessons i have viewed.

  6. Val Tocalo says

    I learned most of the technical stuff about photography on YouTube, particularly from Rob Trek channel. Very grateful to you all contributors for sharing your expertise. I have no questions, what I wanted to say is, this video of yours about photography tips inspired me more. Just when I thought I'm hopeless, you gave me a nudge to keep going, to appreciate my camera. Reminded me why I love craft. Rob Trek taught me how to fully utilize my micro 4/3s, but to speak to my inner photographer soul. Thank you.

  7. tqrecords says

    so awesome to see a video that's not filled with a thousand cuts

  8. obrpeter10 says

    Great video, excellent rationales. BTW, your “throwaway” images are better than anything I’ll ever shoot so there’s that!

  9. dimascience Kyna says

    I really need to get myself a camera and go outside.

  10. Steve Hedges Photography says

    Great vlog, really interesting. Totally agree photography is a journey and what a great journey it is.

  11. Daniel Gibson says

    Thank you 🙏🏻

  12. Neil Gove says

    Wonderful and truly fantastic round up. 👍

  13. MattGeo says

    Awesome video, very inspirational. Keep it up.

  14. FeedScrn says

    Great insights…. I like your philosophy and perspective about photography.
    I have made suggestions in other YouTube video comment sections like here… That Yes.. WiFi capability is great for cameras… Even more useful, would be the camera having a WiFi connection to a website drive… and it downloads automatically as the pictures are being shot… in real time. This way – dual card slots would be unnecessary and redundant. Possibly even one card slot as well, if for example a WiFi connection is available at the time.

  15. Monte Holmes says

    Thanks Andy. I'm a beginner & all I know so far is I like Landscape photography. I'm concerned I don't have a eye for a good picture but, I will keep shooting.

  16. Jumee Jum says

    I see you have photographed Borobudur Temple and Mount Bromo in Indonesia..

  17. Chase1248 says

    Very good advice. I envy all your adventures and it's putting the fire under me that I need to make this professional and keep doing what I enjoy. Thanks!

  18. D. Lewis says

    Getting there early……yes! The light changes quickly and you want to be there as the landscape changes with it. Very important…….

  19. Harmen Piekema says

    Really informative video. I enjoyed watching it and your tips are really good. Especially the last one is really important. With the pressure of social media, this is often forgotten by many. Developing your own style, doing what you love and,what you want, will only give satisfaction. Hunting for likes won't be rewarding in the end. That is why this last tip is so important!

  20. Ιωάννης Ραπτης says

    Amazing information.Thanks for sharing my brother!!!

  21. Wondering Green Man says

    Interesting points! Thank you for sharing!
    <– New Subscriber!

  22. letsema marope says

    This is such a good and inspirational video thank you i have just started watching you i am subscribed and very thankful for the people that brought you into the earth thank you. Please may you make a Nikon D500 guide and please do a long exposure video and how to do it thank you, by the way i am 12. 🙂

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