Wildlife Photography – Episode 1
In this, the first episode of my video series, “Wildlife Photography”, I take you along on my walk around Tifft Nature Preserve in Buffalo, New York. During our edited three mile walk I talk about how I go about taking wildlife shots from camera settings to strategy.
More info about Tifft Nature Preserve can be found here:
Keep track of all future videos in this series on the YouTube playlist here:
Happy thanks giving to you from Australia
Was just there a few days ago
do you have a minimum distance you want to be before you attempt a shot?
Anthony, also curious that you didn't use a monopod to steady your camera/lens. Outfitted with a quick release shoe mounted to the lens and a hardware hook clipped to my belt, the monopod can quickly be detached from the camera/lens combo and clipped to my belt. Or the rig can be carried over the shoulder to be available should a quick shot opportunity present itself. Just a thought….however, I refuse to argue with your success. Really enjoy all your videos. You have taught me a ton. Thanks.
Metairie, LA
Just wondering if you ever use a circular polarizer to tame glare on walk around bird shoot. I noticed you do use a lens hood, which practically prohibits the use of a CP on a walk around shoot. I have always wondered if use of the CP is better than lens hood in such situations. Whereas orientation to the sun has something to do with the answer to that question, I was hoping that you might weigh in with a few comments. BTW….I really enjoyed this video….do it all the time down in Louisiana. Hoping you respond.
Metairie, LA
Thanks for publishing this video. There are so many times that I went out to shoot wildlife and was able to find very little. I am always reminded of Ansel Adams who once commented that a dozen really good shots a year is success. My friends and family frequently will ask me if I had taken any good photos that day. When I get a very good shot I’ll share it with them, but so many times I can only say there just wasn’t any wildlife for me to see that day.
Too boring and slow for me.
I hope you din't lug that camera around using the Spider holster as that lens is heavy and you run the risk of pulling the mounting out of the camera. I note you inverted the 200-500 tripod mount so perhaps you carried the camera via that, if so then why bother with the spider holster?
Hi, Great video. I was wondering – Where do you go to sell your pictures??? I am just a rookie, but love taking nature photography, please let me know, thanks, OMAR!!!
your way of pressing shutter is exactly the way I do. but some of my friend still argue with me for that.
isnt a d7000 useless as it has the same pixel pitch as the d800e?
You didn't say whether you turned IS on.
Anthony, I just want to share with you a little wildlife photography tip that I believe works out well. In fact I Think this tactic got me some of my favorite shots. I feel silly even telling you this as I am sure you have already thought of it. So you might agree that people compared to animals are pretty loud and clumsy. As we walk through the woods or even down a trail, everything knows we are there because they hear us coming. My strategy is to find a good spot and set up and wait. As other people walk by making noise, the animals or birds hide. As the other people walk away and it becomes quiet again the animals and birds feel safe to come back out again thinking that all the humans are gone and there you are with your camera. So in that way having other people walking by when your trying to shoot wildlife can be a blessing.
How can that be? If you crop in on the 800e for getting the same FOV as on the APS-C then the resolution is about 16MP what is way below the resolution of the 7100 (24MP), right?
Thank you. I loved that. I usually go out on my own and try to get wildlife shots. I am only a beginner and I really appreciated being able to tag along with you. I love seeing how people work.
I enjoyed this video and am from India…after watching this iam very much interested in learning wildlife photography pls guide me..
Thanks so much for this video….. I have just retired and about a month ago I purchased a Nikon D5300 plus a few lenses including a Nikon AF-P DX NIKKOR 70-300mm f/4.5-6.3G ED VR which I used for wild bird shooting….. As a newbie most of my photos are not so good but I have a couple of average ones….. I have subbed your channel and look forward to learning more from you….. Thanks again for posting….. More like this please….. Ian
Thanks for taking us on the walk with you! Nice to see something different than what I see here in the upper midwest. Weather is crappy today so it was nice to watch something with some sunshine. Thank you all the advice and a different point of view
Hi Anthony,
Where do you sell your image's. Is it through an online store or something else?
very nice.I live this camera and lens..thanks for thaere
Thanks for sharing, I just got the sigma 150-600mm for my D810 and I'm in love with it, you are totally right regarding cropping on full frame, the d810 also with high mp allows you to do so and still keeps great quality
Thanks for the video! I live in Rochester was at that park before.
How much post processing do you do ? Because it looked pretty cloudy in the background of your tree swallow shot but the one you shared it looked like clear bleu skies.
Your videos are always enjoyable Anthony, thank you!
Thanks Anthony. Its actually inspiring to see that birds dont always come out to play for professionals either! All those days I've had with nothing are quite normal after all.The big difference is is I just see some bushes with no birds.You see a landscape and sell images of bushes with no birds.
That was excellent Anthony, very inspiring, Thank you. More please. 🙂
At 15:28 the bird call in the background is imitating your shutter noise by calling 3 times in a row. Pretty funny!
In regards to the picture of the Tree Swallow, how do you get the background that nice blue color? Judging by the lighting, I would expect to be overexposed and pretty devoid of color. Did you bring down the blues in post?
nice video,sorry what lens do u use in this video sir? sorry which one is the best for birding and the sharpest between tron 150-600 g2 and nikon 200-500?
Great video! thanks! what is the best 32 gig card to buy? amazon link? thanks
Actually your making this look easy. I admire your results, so much so you inspired me to head to my local Botanical gardens and try shoot some Birds, I think I kept about 10 images from 250 shots…although after cranking up the ISO to 500 I seemed to get better results, but getting a pin sharp image (hand-held) was troublesome but I will keep practcing, thanks again for the inspiration.
I enjoyed this too, nice work and many thanks, I'm ducking over ( no pun intended) to your website.
I really enjoyed this video. thank you so much.
I really enjoyed this video. thank you so much.
I really enjoyed this video. thank you so much.
Great video Anthony, thank you so much!
You gave a good sense of a morning looking for birds to shoot. Pleasant demeanor. I like the Gopro perspective. Thank you.
PS: I began following you on Instagram: @oldmanwalking.
Always fun to get out and walk and see what you can see. I do that as often as I can with my camera in hand.
Thanks for taking me on a photo walk.
so like my experiences every time I go out photographing birds – but with less 'students' 🙂 #itscanadageese
Hey mate, firstly thanks heaps for all your tutorials. I only started using a DSLR (EOS 750D) about 8 months ago and your Lightroom series has been invaluable to my learning (started on your PS yesterday, learnt heaps already)! This vid was really reassuring for me. My 750D is a shocker for high ISO also and although not usually a problem in Northern Australia, it does frustrate me at times. Glad to see the pro's can still have similar issues to us newbies with "lesser" gear and that many of the solutions to the limitations you face I have mostly worked out myself (still scored some very useful tips). Bird photography is my passion so, as I said, much of your advice was mainly "reassurance" that I am on the right track so more of the same would be appreciated but would love to see how you approach other genres (e.g. streetscapes, landscapes etc.). Really enjoyed this format. Thanks again for sharing all your knowledge and experience. Cheers 🙂
Great that you can hand hold he 500mm at SS320. I am 75 years old and really can't do that. Good job. Enjoyed the video even though I am not not a wild life guy.
It was interesting) Thanks for video.
Really enjoy this…now I'm going back out and doing this. Love it. Do wonder if you shoot RAW or JPG…
It really is a bit of a comfort to hear about the obstacles and frustrations you encounter during your nature shoots because They are exactly like mine. I shoot a Canon 7D Mark II but our settings are very similar. Thanks for a great video. Also I like the idea of a chest mounted GoPro. I have two but normally only use them on my quadcopter. Maybe I'll try that too. Thanks again, Tony
Oh and by the way, I hope you keep the video's coming.