Night Street Photography – Today I’m sharing my Night street photography tips – what settings to use for night street photography, what gear and what ideas for your night photography.
▶︎ Edited with my NEW Lightroom Presets Pack:
How to approach images you want to capture. After the videos start crushing street photography and keep crushing street photography it’s time to hit the night life 😉
Read below for detailed settings & info.

▶︎ Subscribe to see the next video on photography:

▶︎ Shot on with this lens
▶︎ All of the gear that I use:
▶︎ First & Second part on Street Photography:

▶︎ Lenses for Street Photography:
– Sony: & (I put the cheaper versions)
– Canon: or or
– Nikon: or
Note: If a Sigma Art version is available for those lenses and your camera system get it, it’s really good.
– M4/3: 12mm or 42.5mm depending on your camera system.

✚ Settings for night street photography:
1/ If you want long exposure: here is a trick, start with the highest ISO possible just to check the framing. Then go down to 5-30s if you want car lights trails
2/ If you just want situational shots, use the tips I gave in the Start Crushing Street Photo video. But this time maybe allow your shutter to go a bit slower
3/ Depending on your camera you might want to limit your ISO from going too high. I’m good until 12800.
4/ Shoot at the lowest aperture possible – for a nice shallow DOF and bokeh.
5/ I shoot in A with the min SS down to 1/125s – or all manually. Up to you really.
6/ Underexpose a little to keep information in the highlights and recover shadows with less high ISO noise.

✚ Gear at Night:
1/ Lens, lens, lens, get the lens with the widest aperture possible. 1,4 ,18, 2.0. Stick to primes if you cant.
2/ I don’t use tripods except for a flexible one but feel free too – I don’t like carrying it around except in nature. In the city, I always find somewhere to put the camera (table, bench, my backpack…).

✚ Overall tips/ideas:
– Use the environment you’re in. The goal is not to light up the whole scene but only showcase what is being lit
– Find reflections
– Do long exposure to get cars lights trails
– Use neon lights / street signs
– BOKEH with the lights !! So smoooooooth!

Guys get out there and go shoot some epic stuff (yes even if 99% will be trash, go for the 1%).

▶︎ World Tour Travel Vlog with Trina 👉


night street photography, street photography tutorial, how to shoot street photography, photography tutorial, photography vlog, what camera should I buy, best camera, how to take better pictures

  1. Pierre T. Lambert says

    Has anyone else had the same crazy kind of experience when shooting?! (referring to the end of the video!)
    ⚡️FREE Night Photography Cheat Sheet: – It's super useful 🙂
    🔥NEW! My Lightroom Preset Pack! 👉
    ⚡️Get your photography to the next level in 2019 Join Now 👉
    ❤️ Come say Hi on Instagram!
    ps: 📷 Shot with this camera
    pps: music from, &

  2. TaylaSwiftRemix says

    can someone buy me the Sony a7R III and the Sony – FE 16-35mm F2.8 GM Wide-angle Zoom Lens please?

  3. Lindi Marke says

    My instagram page is @n.y.stateofmind
    Awesome videos Pierre! Keep em coming!

  4. Shutter Infinite says

    Hello! I’m from Amritsar, india. I really enjoy your all videos and I learn so much from it. My Instagram page is @shutter_infinite

  5. Darkmasterhaf922 says

    Saying good morning at night seems weird xD, very instructive video though liked it!

  6. linskiproductions says


  7. AP foto says

    Awesome! loved your vid.

  8. Samar Balouch says

    my Instagram @hanakophotography

  9. Noealz Photo says

    I feel as though what I look for when I shoot at night and what others do is just too different

  10. Ricardo Solís says

    Great video! WHen you come to Mexico let me know!! My insta @zakksolis Cheers!

  11. Charles Dunkley says

    I just watched this video (and subscribed) about an hour ago and then went outside and gave some of these tips a try for my first time shooting pics at night. And I came back home with a couple of shots I really like. Thanks!

  12. abed alhamwe says

    You can check out my Instagram and also tell me what you see about the photos also every one feel free to go there <3 @Abooda_AHM
    And theres also my FB contact me you'll be so welcome to you all <3

  13. FaulksAudio says

    Subbed, video feels so genuine. Would love to link up if you find yourself in London or England for that matter!

  14. VSK Vlogs says

    Great helpful

  15. JonnyThought says

    Thanks for the info! Good hustle. What tunes were you listening? Have an amazing day too. Ciao @Mr.White_Rhino

  16. AGuitarFingerstyle4U says

    Wow.. Malaysia 😍

  17. Desi Bravo says

    I'm a beginner always like to shoot without flash.
    Your video made it clear for night shooting.

  18. Munted Wookiee says

    No street photography pics on my Instagram profile, but I'm going to Thailand and Indonesia soon and am planning to do a lot while I'm there.

  19. Bhoopendra Meena says

    Good morning everyone, at night

  20. Krystian Krzewiński says

    Very nice content. It's so nice to see how natural you are in front of camera. Very useful video.

  21. Slyzyy says


  22. Cantinatollo1 says

    You inspire me. Thank you!

  23. Ben Young says

    Collab with Peter McKinnon!!!

  24. Cee Dee says

    What's good? I'm glad I found your channel. You have some really great ideas. Thanks for the tips.

  25. GaryR55 says

    Night is my fallback for those cloudy days when there isn't any contrasting light. You can't go wrong with artificial light sources, as they are always on, always there, and they are everywhere you go in the city. I shoot Program Auto, with the ISO set at anywhere between 3200 and 12800, in order to drive the fastest shutter speed possible to freeze motion. I don't really worry about noise, as my Sony has excellent noise reduction built in.

  26. Andrew Lee says

    HI! Good tips! Really enjoyed it! Follow me for some nice pictures on Instagram @andrew_ltk

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