Students Outraged Over Retouched School IDs! [Photo]

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Students at St. Teresa’s Academy high school in Kansas City, Missouri got celebrity photo retouching without asking for it.

Student photos were retouched with drastic changes such as lip recoloring, face contouring, eyebrow reshaping, and freckle removal.

DeCloud Studios the company responsible claimed the photos were accidentally run through their automated retouching program.

What is one physical trait that you would NOT want photoshopped under any circumstance?
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Host: Ana Kasparian

Andy Riesmeyer
Host of “Dweebcast” | @AndyRiesmeyer

Kim Horcher
Host of “Nerd Alert” | @kimscorcher

The Point with Ana Kasparian is a smart and fast-paced panel show giving you a weekly round up of the hottest stories of the week. Each week Ana sits down with some of your favorite hosts from The Young Turks and other interesting personalities that each bring their unique perspectives on everything from news to pop culture.

  1. sewing artest says

    Simular to what they did with me 😁😁😁

  2. M.r. Moon says

    I'd be more worried about teachers retouching your brains with liberal lies and insanity, if I were you.

  3. Thunderhead says

    This happened at my school too. It fucking annoys me.

  4. Jackie Carzello says

    I wouldn't want my ass photoshopped. That's it.

  5. J V says

    I've got friends who go there 😂

  6. Buck Weet says

    umm…Ana…you have chicken legs, but who gives a fcuk.

  7. Raven Nurble Marie says

    I believe you meant "narcissist" rather than "sociopath".

  8. markvanslam says

    Honestly I'm not sure about the technology that's available for automatic Photoshop fixes. there are some pretty impressive filters out there but the example that you gave, which is of course just one example, seems more than what a basic program could do.

  9. markvanslam says

    Please under no circumstances Photoshop my dick to look smaller. I am quite confident and happy with the way I am down there and if you were to Photoshop it to be tiny then that would just be mean. Ok I'm joking I guess I wouldn't want anyone to Photoshop my eyes. I feel like that's what most people would say. There's something about the eyes that really are something that we see as indicative of our true selves.

  10. Colin Hamilton says

    if it was done with some auto feature on Photoshop or even some plugin it means there might be an AI running things because this was so perfectly done it had to be a human or an AI in which case we are all doomed

  11. Angus Davies says

    My problem is that the visual center of the human brain automatically makes me appear 25 lbs heavier that I really am.

  12. TwilightSparkle29 says

    Just putting it out there automatic software to do photoretouching like that is not avaliable at this time, i would know since i am going ro a vocational school, for digital design, and we had a 3 month long unit on photoshop, any software like that would have been brought up IF it exsisted and still if it did which it doesnt, it would be in its eaely beta states and not released to thw 3 party public yet, at all.

  13. Cynnx7 says

    insecure little bitches.

  14. William Albert says

    All of our graduation and year book photos were airbrushed as a matter of coarse. Mainly they removed our pimples. Everybody knew this and no one objected. Now that film has been replaced by digital techniques,I would expect a studio to do the same thing with a batch photo shop program.

  15. ccm800 says

    it totes exists.

  16. ccm800 says

    They prolly just wanted these girls to look like their instagram pix.

  17. 122ffsdd says

    as a guy I had my pre submitted senior photos photo shopped without my parents or myself wanting it. I looked nothing short of a china doll and it was actually frightening to see the picture.

  18. Hossein Salehi says

    My dick it's too big and I'm proud African American

  19. El YATIRI says

    Ana for someone who has altered her face surgically you ought not be so self righteous on the topic of accepting how you look warts and all. 

  20. Jack Pfenniger says

    If my face was photoshopped I'd probably ask for elf ears.

  21. NaziGOPBallmer says

    I wouldn't want to have the shape of my head Photoshopped.

  22. charley simmons says

    If you're fat lose weight

  23. loverrlee says

    I'm SO GLAD they knew that who "automatic Photoshop" thing was totally bullshit! I was gonna say that but I'm SO GLAD that 2/3 of them knew that was a lie!! 😀

  24. Nick Solari says

    You can batch process images , especially portraits all taken at the same focal length with the same camera settings. 

    It's called LIGHTROOM. 

  25. Putrefucktion says

    Oh and to answer the question of what I wouldn't want photoshopped, well, I have many visible tattoos (sleeves, hands, both legs, etc) and would be extremely annoyed if they were messed with by image editing. Not even out of vanity, but because to me, it would be the equivalent of selling "touched up" reprints of a painter's original work. I just feel strongly that visual art should be edited by no one other than the creator, unless the creator specifically asks for outside input on their work.

  26. Putrefucktion says

    I'll argue that this could set an alarmingly bad precedent if left unchecked/uncorrected… I hope the school is also willing to issue new IDs, at least to those students who want them. In fact, when you consider the atmosphere they reportedly set out to create in their facility, it would be hypocritical of them not to. As a father of two girls about to hit their teen years, I can't help be a tad sensitive to the potentially devastating effects something like this could have on their (or any young teen's) self-image/self-esteem/etc. There's already enough of that shit in the media for parents to contend with. I myself would be… let's say "vocally upset", to see it coming from the direction of a school. 

    All that having been said, let's also remember that this is what we can comfortably call a "first world problem". So let's keep big picture and proper perspective in mind as well. If the school makes it right in the end, which it sounds like they intend to do, then all's well that ends well.

  27. LSFprepper says

    I'd shop ana's legs. I'd browse up and down for hours. 

  28. Amanda J says

    I would be furious if anyone photoshopped any and all photos of Me. Its Artistic Fraud. I would not do it on My own pics. Why should others get to misuse My beauty?

  29. Holland Sauce says

    I think this was blown out of proportion. I'm sure the photography shop had only good intentions. They were getting paid and went the extra mile for the customer. Maybe I'm a dude and it doesn't bother me. My only version of Photoshop is the enhanced HDR feature on my iPhone.

  30. Kayla Levay says

    I was born with a condition called, Anophthalmia, the absence of one or both eyes, in my condition I was born with one, luckily. My parents would force me into cosmetic surgery as early as six month and all of them failed. I remember there was one picture of me when I was about ten years old and my father was so ashamed that I had one eye still, so he photoshopped me to look like I had two eyes….and a monobrow. I'm now 19, still have one eye and its not something I want to have photoshopped because it tells me how ignorant people are about certain disabilities.

  31. Gary King says

    Automatic retouching software is out there (like Arcsoft Portrait Plus), and is getting better all the time, and it can do large batches of photos. There's even auto retouching software for video now – check out 'beauty box'. As a photographer, I'm not sure I'd want to take the time to do a manual beauty retouch on all of the students photos without getting paid for it?

  32. BEAST MODE says

    I've seen Ana's legs….they are not that great….knees look like they could cut down a tree they are so sharp….

  33. Lenka says

    It was supposed to be used for their IDs, they said?
    But regardless…
    It's wrong of them to do it without asking (and clearly it wasn't a batch process), especially if the school advocates for a healthy body image, but you know, the girl does look much nicer in the after pic. The person did a good job. 
    Who doesn't want to look better on their ID photo? Mine turned out like shit, not unlike many others who had their damn photo taken in their teens… I guess I could have it retaken, but do you know what a hassle it is? Not really, I'm just lazy.  >_>
    But still, they definitely should've asked the students and I'm sure many would've been delighted. I mean, come on…

  34. Lora Logue says

    What is this bullshit about student being able to get their pictures photoshopped? America, check yourself.

  35. MacX85 says

    nah, that doesn't exist. That's BS. And if it did, people would know!

  36. Leah Christine says

    Andy 😍

  37. Bill Garthright says

    This is another result of faith-based thinking, I suspect. Reality isn't good enough for the faith-based. They prefer fantasy. Sadly, this seems to extend, more and more, to everything. Real women aren't good enough for them – and they're made to feel like they're not good enough even for themselves – so everything has to be photoshopped.

    Of course, there are worse results than this: science denial, for example, or faith in 'trickle-down' economics. But I suspect that it's all part of a whole. People prefer fantasy over reality because they can just imagine whatever they like. And it takes work to change reality. It's easier to just fantasize that reality is the way you want it to be.

  38. Phoenix says

    Oh, somebody photoshop my photos. Ana, stop crying about 1st world problems.

  39. Mathewmartialart says

    thats not even a professorial job. it looks murky and over touched 

  40. Marcelo Pacheco says

    Nothing I would photoshop about you Ana !

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