Senior Portraits Makeup 2015 | makeupbyritz


Hey guys! Thanks to Crystal M, I did a senior portraits video! It is around this time of the year that seniors take their photos so it was a perfect suggestion! My video isn’t really about using one specific shade or one specific brand of a product. I use warm tones but also suggest cooler ones for paler complexions. I have oily skin so I use a mattifying primer but also suggest that you use a hydrating primer for dry skin or a green primer for redness. I also mention some tips for taking your portraits like practicing beforehand and taking a flash photo to see what your makeup really looks like. So again, this tutorial isn’t so much focused on the specific look but ideas and tips that I can share with you beautiful people! By the time this video is up, I’ll be away for a camping trip so I won’t be able to reply as fast as I usually do but I hope you guys enjoy the video 🙂 Give it a thumbs up if the intro has ever happened to you! Hashtag awkwardddd. P.S. We’re OFFICIALLY 25K strong. YASSSSS! Love you guys!!!!!!!

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Kylie Jenner Makeup Tutorial 2015:
Beauty Reviews: 

PRODUCTS MENTIONED (to be updated):
First Aid Beauty Ultra Repair Cream
Algenist Complete Eye Renewal Balm
Fresh Sugar Lip Balm
Urban Decay Primer Potion
Kat Von D Monarch Palette
MAC Swiss Chocolate
Gerard Cosmetics Marilyn Highlighter
House of Lashes Bambie Highlighter
MUFE Equalizer in Mattifying
MUFE HD Foundation in 153
NARS Creamy Radiant Concealer
Ben Nye Luxury Powder in Banana
Sephora Tranquil Blush
NYX Matte Bronzer in Medium Deep
MAC Melba blush
Becca x Jaclyn Hill Champagne Pop Highlighter
LA Girl Auo Lipliner in True Brown
MAC Velvet Teddy
NYX Matte Setting Spray



Makeup Instagram: @_ritzypoo
Personal Instagram: @itsritzspix
Twitter: @makeupbyritz
VLOG Channel: 

Green screens and editing hacks provided by the lovely Gabrielle Marie:

Music Provided By NoCopyrightSounds:
On & On- Cartoon:
Culture Code Ft. Michael Zhonga – Electricity (Radio Mix)
Culture Code:
DEAF KEV – Invincible:

Sound Effects Provided by

Hey gorgeous! If you’ve made it down this far comment “can’t believe fetty wap tweeted you!!”

For business inquiries, please email businessinquiries@collectivedigitalstudi­ with “makeupbyritz” in the subject. 

Hey guys! Welcome to my channel. My name is Ritz, I’m 21 years old and live in Northern California. I love making beauty and fashion videos for you awesome folks here on YouTube. I do makeup tutorials, reviews, hauls, fashion and more. Always feel free to change up a makeup look or outfit to tailor your style because as long as you feel comfortable and beautiful in it, that’s all that matters!

FTC: This video is not sponsored. All products were paid for with my own money 🙂 Some of these links are affiliate links which I make a small commission percentage through. You do not have to use these links, but if you would like to support me in that way you’re welcome to! I do not endorse products or brands that I do not wholly support and believe in the quality of.

  1. Bethany Park says

    Great video! Very instructive 🙂

  2. Cat Collins says

    This is definitely the look I'm gonna use for my senior portraits! Thanks so much!!!

  3. Sarah KaLia Yang says

    Girlllll you are so prettyyyy 😍😍😍😍😍

  4. Tardis Blue says

    Thank you for all the help! I will definetly leave this to concideration

  5. SydneyKate says

    I have senior pictures tomorrow!!

  6. hawtpeach says

    Great video! Beautiful look and awesome tips.

  7. Maggie C says

    how do you know if something has spf?

  8. Danielle Combs says

    THANK YOU!! My senior pictures are in 4 hours and I'm totally mimicking this look

  9. Marla Sangco says

    omgg! 😱 my senior pics are tomorrow!

  10. Jolëne C. says

    my senior pics are tomorrow ahhh

  11. Cecilia Vega says

    God bless you omg my senior pics are in 2 days and I'm panicking

  12. Lelaine de Guzman says

    This is so helpful! Thank you so much. Btw, I'm also a Filipino 💓

  13. Francesca Siquian says

    Thank you so much for this. Love you

  14. Valerie Nuño says

    On your chest area

  15. Valerie Nuño says

    Would you recommend taking the foundation all the way down ???

  16. Kenia Murcia says


  17. Guten Huber says

    It's not an "upside down triangle" there's no such thing. Smh hoez these day better Leah geometry. Anyway you make it it's still a triangle as long as it has 3 angles and 3 sides.

  18. Jen C says

    youre so pretty, omg😣

  19. tara mccall says

    this is so well done! you chose such nice products for your skin color and tone from the banana powder to the peachy blush, it came out amazing!! i also love that you used a grey contour color, never seen that before but it looks great!! 🙂

  20. cynthia says

    Ahh i have no time to go out and buy an spf free foudation so i'm just using what I have. I'm sure they edit the white cast out though cause i have used these for regular school pics and my face has never had a white cast

  21. Sahithi Pisupati says

    Omg, thank you for making this!! <3

  22. Caroline J. says

    Do you mind telling me where you bought your top?

  23. Caroline J. says

    Do you mind telling me where you bought your top?

  24. maddie_0423 says

    I love how you give suggestions for different skin tones!!

  25. patricia mendoza says

    what's something good to wear for your senior portrait ;-;

  26. scupcake4 says

    I can't believe Fetty Wap tweeted you!

  27. Anabel Acosta says

    I'm taking my pictures in 3 days and this this was SUPER helpful, thank you!!

  28. Germaine Sikat says

    Hi! What's the shade of your Nars Creamy Radiant Concealer? Thanks!

  29. Sam D. says

    This is going to save me soooo much time when my senior portrait comes around this Wednesday! Great tutorial, thank you so so so much! 🙂

  30. Karina Hernandez says

    I love your nose ring! You can rock it 💟💟

  31. Caroline Magee says

    I love all the tips you give!! So helpful.

  32. Kristina Wilde says

    Katie (CDS) told me about your channel just found and love!! xx

  33. xxxcherrysakuraxxx says

    Love this ritz! Good idea! 🙂

  34. mark azul says

    what editing did you do to your wall art

  35. Dyhair777 says

    Nice review, thank u for sharing

  36. CHACHI tv says

    This was so good! I wish we had someone do a video like this back when we were seniors, we all looked like a hot mess. Lol, miss you Ritzy! Congrats to you and all your YouTube success <3

  37. Kimberly Partida says

    Awesome video!😍 I really love and enjoy all your video edits btw! You actually take your time to fix/edit your videos for us viewers and I appreciate that a lot. Keep up the beautiful work girl! 💕

  38. Gabriela Starr says

    You're gorgeous 😍😩

  39. Loretta Lee says

    You look like Zendaya in her senior pictures. Beautiful!

  40. rosieposie0988 says

    Even though I'm not taking senior pictures because that was a long time ago, I love this make up for like an every day work you ritzypoo.

  41. lemoncrush says

    Amazing job!

  42. Aimee Olivia says

    Best of luck of your senior year Ritz!:)

  43. Micah Mikko says

    Omg ! Thank you !!! Mine is next week and I just needed this so much! Plus you're so pretty !!! 😭😍

  44. Christina Martinez says

    Is your nyx bronzer in medium or deep?

  45. WatchJacquelyn says

    Goodness, for my senior portrait I put on so much blush because I wanted it to show in the picture. It turned out well, but I looked a little crazy in person!

  46. avy barcelonia says

    Looooove! 👌🏼👌🏼👌🏼👌🏼👌🏼

  47. BeautySince1993 says

    Super beautiful. Great Video Honey

  48. Crystal Moua says

    I love the look !!! ❤️ my senior is actually two weeks from now ! Thanks again .

  49. Crystal Moua says

    Awwwwwew THANK YOU😘😘😘😘😘😘😘

  50. Karina Waldron says

    great video idea! love how creative your editing your videos now. well your videos where always amazing I just notice the slight changes. love your channel

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