1. Mikki Carr says

    Expired yogurt XD

  2. Mark Williams says


  3. Maiken G says

    I fucking lost it at he squirrel one omfg

  4. Arkantolas says

    1:06 Doctor Frank'n Furtur as a child.

  5. Mike G says

    that "letting go of a fart" is EXACTLY like the picture a friend of mine took for school… HOLY CRAP! I THOUGHT HE WAS JUST HIGH! THE TRUTH HAS BEEN REVEALED!

  6. Emily Atkinson says

    I love you Allen!

  7. Clint says

    One of the reasons is that a wizard turned him into a squirrel and you decide to question why somebody is eating yogurt?

  8. Alli Rose says

    I think the squirrel made it better

  9. That One Dude says

    the yogurt is the only stupid thing?

  10. Rachil McAllister says

    🙁 ok?

  11. iphonefrom70s says


  12. stevey822 says

    I'm truly sorry…

  13. SiennaZahav says

    Laughed till I cried! Thank you…

  14. hillaryb486 says

    The bad yogurt never fails to ruin my picture.

  15. LooneyLunatone says

    Squirrel one is the best.

  16. google cow aerodynamics says

    I should stop eating while I watch these…

  17. Bulbi says

    Oh man! I hate it when that happens! Baby photogrophers are starting to become a real problem.

  18. marykate foord says

    this was made on my b-day

  19. Night Walkers says

    Mr. Jeans is one of the few people who bring a smile in my face the minute I see them.

  20. lydia koch says


  21. Zack Hijazi says

    squirrel mask > horse mask

  22. buttery squiditon says

    im a squid! I WAS LYING!!!!

  23. Angel White says

    *smh**epic facepalm*

  24. Andrew Fisher says

    yes i mean it. i really got shocked when i receive my ipad3 without paying a dime @ my home yesterday. and i can tell u , email and your address is enough to get your iphone 5. if you wanna try just try now >-> bit.ly/10OaQHb?=cbsch

  25. Angel White says

    How…. ? ….

  26. Angel White says

    Can't take my photo without my yogurt…

  27. Lilith Rodriguez says

    But…..why would you be eating yoghurt in the first place..

  28. CuteCaterpillar2 says

    Your display picture fits your statement perfectly.

  29. isaontheway says

    I love your expired yoghurt face. Awesome!

  30. Hyper7 says

    and then forgeting its picture day

  31. Hyper7 says

    28 owning an angry birds shirt

  32. Sup Bob says

    0:34 is that tobuscus?

  33. Kate McGee says

    0:58 FABULOUS

  34. kaytlynn hunt says


  35. S Parker says

    0:32 SNAKES! Why did it have to be snakes!

  36. DarthJader11 says

    they need to make a 'handsome guys making ugly faces' tumblr. Maybe I'll start it. There are tons of wonderful examples here.

  37. A. Clarke says

    Expired yogurt haha

  38. staaanzy says

    the squirrel one omg i am crying

  39. TroutOfOrder says

    can't tell if the photographer is a boy or a girl is the most common for me.

  40. buttery squiditon says

    thats what she said……………FUCK YEAH

  41. Nina Gallagher says

    my school photographer has been a baby the past three years. all my photos. ruined.

  42. Gabriel Newton says

    isn't someone dirty ._.

  43. Irene Phung says

    pleated jeans did u get that squirrel from vat19.com?

  44. warailema96 says


  45. MarvelMozaik says

    Check Amazon c:

  46. Piper Abrigo says

    I died at the duckface.

  47. th3Ch0c0Chip says

    holding in the fart always gets me.

  48. Sophia N says

    After the wizard turned me into a squirrel. Everything has been terrible

  49. Pigby12 says

    holy crap the music==feeeeelings!

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