Retouching Body Sculpting w/ PortraitPro Body pt. 2


Hey guys! As promised, here’s part 2 from my previous video with Portrait Pro (link below).

PortraitPro Body is pretty amazing when it comes to retouching/body sculpting your photo client’s figure. I think it’s pretty simple to use, much better than using liquify in Photoshop.

PortraitPro Body is offering a 10% discount, so download the trial version and see for yourself.

PortraitPro Body:

But what do you guys think? Let me know in the comments.

If you learned something new, or just enjoy the video, please leave a like. And if you want to see more upcoming videos, make sure to subscribe.

Thanks and see you in the next video!

PortraitPro Facial Retouching part 1:
Download PortrraitPro Body:


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All images copyrighted: © Dustin Meyer Photography, 2017

  1. ARbull says

    I thin you are down to earth honest. Thanks for the instructions.

  2. ARbull says

    how do you save the images after you have edited the photo?

  3. Andrew Aw says

    Does this software allow to retouch group portraits of 4 to 5 persons?

  4. S Tisdol says

    Hi, does this work to remove stretch marks?

  5. michael 232 says

    Thank you, I found this easy to follow and understand and as a new user of Portrait Pro I learned a lot. I particularly like the straightforward way you present your videos. You obviously know what you're doing – without trying to teching it all up and make it complicated, just how to get on and do it.

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