LED Continuous Lights vs Strobes for Photography – which is the best studio lighting solution?


Shooting with LED continuous lights vs Strobes for photography – which should you be using? LED Lighting for photography has come a very long way in the last few years and all indications are that constant light sources and LED’s will be the future of portrait lighting and all photographic and video lighting.

The real questions right now are do you really understand the differences between continuous lighting and strobes or speedlights? Why would you use one instead of the other? If you are a new photographer which type of studio lighting should you start with?

The simple reality is that you will not find one light that is best suited for every situation you will encounter as a photographer. As I have shown you – there are pros and cons to both lighting systems. I actually consider myself lucky that I learned portrait lighting with those cheap silver reflectors and 150 watt bulbs mounted on top of light stands. It made it easier to learn how to see light – because the light was alway on. And it forced me to learn how to really see and manipulate light because the light quality from those cheap silver reflectors is horrible.

If you are new to lighting and plan to shoot people like I do or even products, I would whole heartedly encourage you to start with LED lights. The constant light sources will allow you to really see what you are doing and will definitely help you develop your lighting skills much faster.

And for you portrait photographers – here is a huge bonus that you get with constant LED’s… studio photographers have a bad habit of working in slightly darker studios so that they can see the effects of their modeling lights. The problem with that is that the modeling lights really aren’t very bright so your subjects pupils expand to gather more light. The result is that you see less of the iris and less color in the eye. Using LED lights for your portrait lighting will generally cause the pupils to contract which allows you to see more of the iris and more color.

Some of you are going to ask about the new LED flash combos and if they are worth the money. In my opinion – at the time of this video – they are gimmicks and definitely not worth your hard earned money. If you are a geartographer and the GAS is killing you – go for it – they’re interesting, but for practical purposes, they are too small and way too expensive. You can actually save yourself money by owning separate flash and LED systems compared to purchasing the few combination lights that are currently hitting the market. Please remember the newest gear and the most expensive gear don’t make you photography better. Only you can do that. Purchase your gear based on your real needs.

Savage Edge Lit Pro LED Lights:
LumoPro LP180R Speedlight:
Paul C. Buff Digibee DB800:
Smith Victor Bi-Color 19” LED Ring Light:
Nikon D810:
Tokina 100mm f/2.8 Lens:
Sekonic LiteMaster Pro L-478DR-U Light Meter:


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FTC Disclosure: Savage Universal, Smith Victor and Spiffy Gear provided lighting showing this video. No sponsors have paid to be included or mentioned and all words and opinions are my own.
#ishootpeople #joeedelman

  1. Nash Mascaro says

    Great video

  2. OXLN VISUALS says

    Por que el título está en español ?

  3. nara photo says


  4. Art Altman says

    This is wonderfully useful and concise tutorial on the differences between continuous and strobe, thanks for doing this? Did you ever do any more videos in this series? Thanks, Art

  5. John Wojciechowski says

    I recently invested in a Neewer LED portable light for the Xmas season. I love taking photos of holiday lighting, but am having difficulty balancing a speed light with the dimmer holiday lights. I happened at a photo shoot at Peddler's Village in Lahaska, PA. I saw the photogs were setting up portable studio strobes in beauty dishes, but only using the modeling light to light the subject. I took a grab shot between the photogs and when I got home to post process the photo, I was amazed how much better it was than my speed light shots which were still overpowering the holiday lights. That convinced me that a continuous lighting source was much better and balanced over a speed light in that situation. Thanks for a great video on this subject.

  6. Robert Douglas says

    Just stumbled onto your channel, really enjoy your style and content, keep up the good work

  7. Eddie Youngblood says

    Hi Joe. Love your videos. This question is a little bit 'left of centre'. I have a 'Lola' as well to practice lighting in my home studio but she is 6' tall! (in 2 parts) I have noticed yours – how have you attached her to the base shown. Thanks (from 'downunder')

  8. Bruce Pool says

    This is the most interesting and concise description of the subject I have found. Thank you

  9. M Battista says

    Great vid. I have learned a great deal about products and more importantly about light and seeing possibilities with your vids. I am scheduled to present a portrait photography workshop and want to use constant light , rather than flashes, so beginners can see the lighting in real time. I have not used continuos lights, but are considering that it would be beneficial to beginning students and better for me with logisitc, rather than everyone waiting to use my pocket wizard. A few questions regarding the Savage Edge light pro. light. If I wanted to put it in a softbax, is it possible? Would a Westcott Apollo Orb (taht I presently own) work if I attached an adapter that would accept an umbrella? I'm looking to shoot around f/4 or wider….would the Edge light provide enough light in an interior room? Thanks so much!

  10. Morteza Mirzaghafour says

    can we use soft box on leds ?

  11. Irmãs Demais says

    Thumbs up from Brazil! Great explanation dude 🙂

  12. Pilar Casas says

    Such a helpful tutorial, thank you 🤗

  13. mrbowtie64 says

    Great video very helpful.. what lighting do you recommend for photobooth & for outdoor photobooth at night?

  14. heicosportiv says

    Thanks to Joe. This is great comparison review.If I want to shot jewelry ,would you recommend LED or Storbe? If LED is best option for me beginner ,do you have any LED brand model for my to buy?

  15. Kevin T. says

    Great video – thanks so much for this! I've been primarily a landscape photographer for about 30 years. I've branched into product shooting and dabbled with stock (which is more hobby than anything). I've recently been interested in doing portraits and have made a fairly small investment in a continuous LED setup with one octabox key light, one 24" square softbox fill and am combining these with the speed light I already had plus some background lights (those terrible silver cones do ok for this).
    I am happy to see yur video supports the approach I am taking. I'm learning quickly and enjoying the ride!

  16. Derrick Spurrier says

    Joe, quick question..Are speed lights good enough to use in a lets say 36" octobox outdoors for high speed sync.. I ask this because I see people using studio strobes like explorer 600 for example. They say they need the power. But when they use it they say it was 1/8 to 1/4 power. So if it is that low of a setting why not just use a speed light at full power?

  17. AdamGImagery says

    Straight up and honest

  18. Manny Manuel says

    Joe, which LED light would be portable, strong enough for sunset backlit photos? how many would I need? thanks 🙂

  19. jon vera says

    Just came across your channel and I just have to say that I love it.

  20. Vivek Nagpal says

    Super info. Ur a blessing.

  21. Andrew Bates says

    Why didn't I click this video earlier, could have saved me an hour of my life! Thank you for the helpful video 🙂

  22. L Bez says

    Hi Joe, i love your videos, so informative. I would like to know if this LED light can be used for Newborn photography?

  23. donkeebaIs says

    Maybe I missed it being mentioned, but some lights allow both strobe and continuous lighting. I use 2 XPLOR 600's that do this.

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