CINEMA VS DSLR CAMERAS – Which should you buy?








  1. Matti Haapoja says

    Why did you decide to buy a Cinema VS DSLR camera or visa versa?

  2. Toni D says

    That Intro !! Boom !!

  3. Vikas says

    109th person to dislike the video. Reason- you did not show the footage, editing, digital zoom, etc. Just talking…huh. i can do that too.

  4. Vikas says

    Why is your eyes pressed close? Is it too bright? Can you open your eyes so that i can see in it when you talk

  5. Stan says

    blackmacic is not expensive and not heavy and big

  6. Ashton Hogan says

    If you want your family photos to look cinematic instead of normal smartphone photos, which camera is best?

  7. Verrett Productions says

    I’m just starting out as a wedding shooter. I have 2 Canon m50’s and I’m looking at the Canon xf400 camcorder as my main camera. Would this be a good choice? If everything goes as planned and I can continuing growing my business I’ll work my way up to a more pro level cinema camera and the xf400 will become my B camera.

  8. JuEdWa says

    Cinema cameras! Always! When I shoot pictures I use DSLR and when I shoot videos I use Cinema camera!

  9. Peeravit Limvibul says

    You almost linused that Canon at @6:50 right there. 😫😫😫

  10. Sage Estes says

    I am thinking of buying this camcorder good reviews and ratings. Anyone owns the same

  11. Omair Zeeshan says

    Skip to 6:55 – that's where he starts talking about it.

  12. Original Man Productions says

    One of the best videos for truth.

  13. Jayson Burke says

    This is one of the most insightful videos you’ve made Matti!

  14. Osckiie says

    Cinema camera will be my next step 🙂 thank you for this review

  15. MuzzleFitness says

    I recently went into best buy and asked the rep. the same exact question…I quickly realized, I knew more than him and that was before this vid. Much appreciated on the details. Would give this 2👍 if I could. In the meantime can you or anyone on the feed recommend a durable DSLR for vloggin/YouTube & Self-Defense fast movement videos. Much Thanks

  16. Cornelius Dobeneck says

    If you are serious about making film, no matter what genre, buy a cinema camera! In the end they are not that more expensive then a full Systemcamera rig. Don't waste your time with "prosumer" or even consumer fuckshit. Waste of time and money. Lets take the Black Magic Ursa Mini Pro for instance, speaking from experience. What do you get with a BM Ursa Mini Pro vs Systemcamera:
    1. Camera (various lens mounts usable: Canon EF, Nikon F, PL-> Film or B4 -> Broadcast) + works for ALL kinds of film work: Documentary, Film, Musicvideo, Studio (Multicam environment), Sports, Press whatever, you name it, it will work but for on body (first person) action cam – say GoPro – stuff of course.
    2. Audio, professional on board audio via XLR including +48V Phantom power and professional encoding + in-camera mics for ambient sound say up too 3 different sound sources (mixable depending on channels)
    3. Output, professional SDI outputs for monitors, external recorders (RAW recording), or various other devices like Timecode ect + LANC which is sort of a remote control system via cable (put a LANC controller on your tripod-handle and control your camera from there)
    4. Connection, yes connection, you get standard industry connections for all sorts of peripherals (see above XLR, SDI ect) with every manufacturer sticking to that standard.
    5. Black Magic Upgrade service! With the camera you get a HOLLYWOOD proofed Editing + Audio + Colorgrading (Deadpool 2 ect) software (I just upgraded DaVinci Resolve from 14 -> 15.2 FOR FREE) + Camera Upgrades: Black Magic recently released one of the most powerful RAW codecs EVER – FOR FREE
    6. Extremely client oriented service, yes client not consumer!
    7. Riging, extremely customizable body with solid connections like rosette and STANDARD audio/video screwholes all over the place
    8. one of the industries BEST viewfinder
    9. various recording options -> SD Card, CFlash Card or SSD (some clients provide their own cards because they edit themselves or hire another company for that)
    10. Battery, hell yes, you get beautiful V-Mount or Gold Mount batteries these days with a D-Tap and USB connection to power VARIOUS devices from one Batsi and not just the fucking camera
    10. Price: my Ursa Mini Pro set is Camera + Viewfinder + SSD recorder + Shoulder mount kit + Software = ca. 7000-whatever currency //
    Systemcamera1200 + external recorder/screen600 + external audio recorder250 + shoulder kit120 + software500 = 2670-whatever currency (depending on gear little more or less, could have checked Atomos Shogun for 1200 instead of 600 for external recorder blah blah).
    Systemcamera is half the prize of the real filmcamera, yes. But what you do not know is: lifespan of Filmcamera 5-10 or more years. Lifespan of Systemcamera 3-5 or less years. For a real filmcamera you usually buy more expensive BUT more sturdy/lasting equipment while for a Systemcamera you buy cheap and rebuy and rebuy and rebuy.

    Its a common term to say, "Hey buy a small camera to learn and when you get a big one you can handle it." BULLSHIT! SUPER BULLSHIT FROM OUTER SPACE PENGUINS! Let me get that straight. Working with Broadcast lenses, which are generally of extreme high quality – Fujinon for example – and are very versatile (zoom ranges from 9-140 and lens porn like that) you need to know about BACKFOCUS, somethng you never hear when working with Systemcameras because they don't have that. And so on. Simply said: if you want to go serious learn on a SERIOUS device from that start.

  17. Nomadic Native says

    Matti, You’ve not touched on pro camcorders like to xf405 which seems to have some really great features. Would really like to hear your opinion of a camera in this form factor.

  18. Adrian B. Herrera says

    Hey Matti can you tell me what articulating arm you're using for the smallhd 502? I like what it's locked in on as well, thanks man!

  19. goaliemojo says

    nice video! frustrating problem. why is there no in-between? sensors obviously rule so Cinema is God, but both seem to need to many add-ons and cost in the long run as much. DSLR's to shoot video have zero ergonomics (even with a cage) and most Cinema cameras seem to need almost as many accessories that weigh the system down too. No AF?, wow. My kingdom for a simple cheap big sensor-ed, low light capable, fast AF ability and Optical wide to extreme-able zoom-able video camera. But then, will my image be crap-ola? How did we fly to the moon in '69? Bring back the summer of love, for Cinema, with all of the above.

  20. Scope Out Horror Reviews says

    13,000 for the camera u are using. Omg. Maybe in 25 years i can buy one..

  21. Steve Currie says

    why are americans super super super?

  22. Jeremy says

    I'm planning to filming the nature ASMR in my local area, mostly mountains. What should I buy?

  23. Billy Murphy says

    I know this is an old video but you CAN use time code on the A7III

  24. Tamia Herman says

    I am thinking of buying this DLSR camera the ratings and reviews look great.

  25. Eddie Murphy says

    Hey Matti, I'm thinking about doing a Documentary. Would my DSLR Canon 7 Rebel would be a fit starting out since I don't have a big budget.

  26. Next Level Code says

    Is premier really that bad at syncing stuff? I've never had a issue with final cut. Not trying to troll. I've just never used premier so I'm curious.

  27. JOMprod says

    why no link to the easyrig?

  28. Playa Jus says

    What camera was used for the intro?

  29. Lenny Pichardo says


  30. *9$/2$C.e?nt#3. says

    15:21 what setup is that ?

  31. Annika Mue says

    You can use the same Timecode-Tool on DSLR Cameras, too 🙂 It generates an Audio-TC, that can be read with the software belonging to the Tentacle-Tool.

  32. Alves Lampeao Junior Lampeao says

    i would like to have a cinematic camera for documents, for companies, music films, wwich kind of camera with budget around $10 000 should i buy?

  33. Telling Fat to Fork Itself says

    I love my Sony FS5! Worth every penny!

  34. TUKMAK says

    I thought the small hd 502 monitor was a phone you attached at first. Then I realized and it was like duh

  35. Pistachio says

    I just came here to hear you say Project

  36. bonzology says

    BMPCC4k will likely change the game and serve both blog and cinema both very well

  37. sammy francis Q. II diaz says

    New technolgy…. Stretchable Flippy Screen. its like a remote on a plane…pull the cable to return … i laughed on that part….

  38. Nick De Marco says

    Canon has the XA models that are a good option too. They're not as big or expensive as the C models but they still give good quality and advanced features like In Body Stabilization and Wide Dynamic Range.

  39. Jason Canales says

    I’ve been dying to cop that Sigma lens but I hear the autofocus motor is super loud, has anyone had any experience with the lens or similar Sigma lenses?

  40. Jason Parker says

    …Video starts at 6:52… 😀

  41. Rubin lopez says

    So is tge new pocket camera going to kill the market?

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