#076: Landscape Photography: Extremely Local – Practise & Improvement


#microfourthirds #olympus #olympusomdem1mk2

There are times when landscape photographers don’t have the time to visit an epic landscape or wait for great light to shine on their intended subject. Yet enjoying an hour out with the camera can still offer benefits in terms of practise and improvement. In this video I revisit an area very local to where I live – as a simple exercise in practise, and to enjoy working on some images in unseasonably warm Spring sunshine.

Link to my website with full res images from this video:

I really appreciate you watching, and if you haven’t done it already, why not subscribe now and join me next time?!

I find I’m being asked more and more often about the equipment I use. As I’ve typed up countless replies and links and lists for friends and viewers, I’ve now set it all out definitively here:

Edited. mixed and produced with DaVinci Resolve 15.
Music by Epidemic Sound (

  1. James Brew says

    Nice vlog and great key message of shooting local. Too many people become fixated on far away destinations totally overlooking beauty right under their nose. Top work 👏

  2. Gary Pentecost says

    Totally agree with being “footprint friendly” , most days I’m on rest day from work my dear wife needs the car for work so I have no choice at least I have library of local shots even tho’ I’m drawn to the river albeit small river around my area 👍

  3. Bernard Brunet says

    Nice shot David and I like the way you describe your shot very details and precis! If you listen to my on my vlog you'll understand what I means, so I'm learning a lot with your vlogging, please keep doing it! Thank you

  4. Philip Culbertson says

    I completely agree. I'm actually even a little more local this week. The wife had knee replacement surgery Tuesday and I'm the nurse now that she is home and can't leave the yard. Rather than being bummed, I went out with my 70-200 and 36 mm extension tube to shoot raindrops on the Lenten Rose blooms this morning. I've never really done any macro but it beats sitting in the house not shooting anything! On the shot with the reeds lining the path, I envisioned that as you were talking but thought of even more movement in the tops. It is personal preference but I think a little more movement would have made that one even stronger. BTW, I liked the background music a lot in this one.

  5. Tim Scanlan says

    Hi David. Well you can't get more local than this !! Cracking image of the house – excellent composition. Thanks for sharing David. P.S. I'm sure Mrs G really appreciated you taking an image of your house "properly" 😉

  6. Kevin Murray says

    I really liked all of the shots, however my particular favourite was the first shot leading from the small brook and looking towards your house in the background. It just seemed to "work" for me, really appealed to my eyes. I also appreciated your taking some time to explain how you went about setting up your composition etc. So nice to finally find a channel that doesn't attempt to constantly push new photography gear, and I particularly like your "I do what works best for me" approach. Something I can truly appreciate.

  7. Mark Harris says

    One of my favourite images was taken of the Langdales midday on a bright summer's day. I didn’t set out to make the image and I'd packed my camera away into the car about 3 hours previously, but there was something about the textures of the rock in that light from over Little Langdale.

    I have debilitating lung/upper body difficulties and last year I didn’t get out much due to my health, so this year I'm doing an analogue 365 project. To make is more challenging I’m using a Canon EOS 2000nf (a very anonymous camera) a plastic fantastic lens, the only artificial light I’m allowing myself is my on camera flash and I’m using TMax 400 because I’m an Ilford sort of guy. It’s amazing how many close to home shots there are close to home, and they aren’t all of the cat, though several are.

    I find when I haven’t shot for a while I make very silly little mistakes, photographic skills to some small extent are "use them or lose them". But if we get out as much as possible we hone those skills, and reform those good habits. Many people can’t go out shooting from the top of a mountain 3 days a week or even every weekend. However if they took small bites and go for a walk (or in my case a scooter ride) in their local area, even inner city, it’s amazing what can be found and how much it benefits your photography.

    It’s the first video I've seen of yours, but it was excellent and I've subscribed.

  8. eVINIo J says

    I've been watching your videos for quite some time….now it's time to comment. First of all thanks for your contribution. I'm not English, therefore I appreciate your wonderful language, your respectful speaking and your politeness. Moreover, I saw you coming from NIKON somehow switching towards MFT – the same path I'm going to undertake. Please keep going….. regards from Germany.

  9. 1spitfirepilot says

    Very good video, informative and enjoyable.

  10. Mike Colley says

    Thanks for taking time to do these lovely videos

  11. Martin Finnerty says

    Great work David. I always try to get out and shoot local. Most of my vlogs have been very close to my home here in Northampton. Although, not the most exciting of places photography wise, it does have it's beauty spots. Keep up the good work.

  12. John Lavin-Ford says

    Great image of your home. I love the way it leads you on a journey. Nice reveals with your drone footage.

    I am going to experiment with my drone footage too with our allotment series.

    Great upload Mr G. Thanks

  13. Barry townsend says

    Great vlog, reminds me of where i used to live in Trawsfynydd and never took any photo's as was not into photography just wish i had because miss it so much living in Essex, thats why i love your channel so much . Please keep them coming. Regards

  14. KEVIN WALDING says

    Post your wife’s shot!……

  15. Rob Outen Photography says

    Superb local vlog David. The point you made towards then end about just getting out and shooting is very valid. You captured some very good images and thanks for the explanation of each composition. Thanks for sharing, Cheers.

  16. Mark McNeill says

    Lovely little vlog enjoyed the images well. Done

  17. Teddy Wanderer says

    You are so lucky to have all of that natural beauty on your doorstep 😀 Thank you for sharing your images you captured some nice scenes thanks for sharing 😀 Teddy

  18. Gary S says

    No waves or wind today Dave I see. 10/10

  19. John Bentley says

    Love the images and such a great location with tons of potential. Thank you for sharing.

  20. Jamie Overland says

    You certainly live in a lovely place David. The image of the stream in the foreground is really nice and I'm sure would look lovely on your wall

  21. Edwyn Parry says

    I take it, as you didn't show it, your wife's photo was better? lol

  22. Ken Rees says

    Fantastic advice

    I loved the bench and the three ducks

  23. Red35 Photography says

    Funny you mentioned shooting local. I do that very often. It's nothing better than shooting in area that you know best. Also, a lot of people take its neighbourhood for granted and often ignore the details right before them. Interesting.

  24. Brian Horsey says

    Great set of images from your ‘back garden’ David. Nice to hear the detail of your thinking for Mrs G’s image and the brook. Thanks.

  25. Mike Chesworth Photography says

    As a non-driver I can only shoot local and sometimes sunrise and sunsets are difficult for me, so I'm a total advocate of shooting local. You live in such a beautiful area and it shows in the images, really liked them. Thanks for adding my video to the end screen. 🙂

  26. colin clewley says

    I thought your best image was the old seat, lovely composition, regards.

  27. Jeff Horne says

    You're a braver man than I, David, suggesting that one's wife's image wasn't "proper". Nice idea for a vlog, well realised and a lovely setting.

  28. Alan D says

    Thanks David. An enjoyable watch as always 😀

  29. Liam Jepson says

    I love that you shoot in any light .so many others are obsessed with sunrise/set etc but for the average hobbyist its not always possible to get out that early or late .

  30. Andy Garton says

    What a wonderful place to live!

  31. Alan Coles says

    Good episode, great advice re shooting local and have to say some cracking finds on yourstep so to speak. On the 1st image I did wonder what grasses would have looked like with some movement as they are so light its not very often you seen these things without any movement. That brook image I liked very much and if that is Mrs G's bench you need to tidy it up before she next visits 😉 Effortless presentation and a style that become very you if you don't mind me saying. One question for your future Q&A's. Now down the road a little with your OMD how do you find the colours that it produces? Do you think it is different to your old Nikon and if so in what way? I don't know f it is my imagination but I think the images have a different look, dare I say it more natural? Colours don't seen so saturated and have a more real life look to them, I don't know, maybe it's me? On that note as you might have realised I have been trying out a Panasonic G9, a micro 4/3rds camera myself.

  32. fredy ott says

    Thank you, David. A great vlog, really love it.

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