Best Photography Schools: My Experience


There are a lot of great art schools out there, deciding on the best one for your future isn’t always easy. This is my overall review of Photography and Video when it comes to college.




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  1. Dirge says

    Shooting film doesn't make me think you're a hipster… Question: Does the journal have to be moleskin?

  2. Andrei Nicolas says

    Keep your eyes on the camera… lol

  3. Don Berg says

    I come here to find out which one is the best photography school not listen how we had a good bong. Your title is misleading

  4. jesery tamba says

    Thankz you tyler you inspired me.

  5. cesar herrera says

    Thanks… I needed this… Subscribed

  6. DigitalDan says

    but….but what kind of money is actually available in today's climate?

  7. NICK says

    Thank you!

  8. Chris Kemp says

    I disagree with this guy. His advice can be damaging for many with true talent that will never refine their skills and knowledge with the guidance and critique of photo professors. I know that many have an innate talent and will do fine without school, but the majority of folks will make mistakes and never correct them while they surround themselves with friends and family that won't provide the tough feedback needed to improve their craft. Given a choice GO TO SCHOOL. Dont be another weakass Instagram photographer with medicore portraits. We got a million of those.

  9. Marcella Aleman says

    thanks for the tips/help

  10. 99488 44345 says

    grooves a trip(the deep ruts) if its the wrong way im not sure what your about

  11. Talya A says

    Going to school doesn't always mean that you are a passion-less person that needs their hand held – it doesn't mean that you have no drive to go out and learn the real world by yourself WHILE you are learning in a positive art filled environment. It's not only either or: some people can do both!:)

  12. Meghan Maurer says

    666th like waddup

  13. Danielle Taylor says

    Thank you

  14. Aylish Clayton says

    this is the best informational video I have seen on photography and education in art school! thank you so much Tyler, this makes me so excited and more informed!

  15. Sandeep Singh says

    Hey.. Can you Tell me What Camera gear do you use?

  16. Bri Cano says

    you have encouraged me greatly thank you!

  17. AudiChoiron says

    that's a really nice advice. btw i'm in love with how you grade your video, the overall theme is so good. I've been struggling to create something like that

  18. Erica Aguirre says

    where can I get one of those cameras ?

  19. Nick Desires says

    How did you do this? It's like animated as well xd but not animated

    What tools did you use to record your video?

  20. finlay burrage says

    love your thoughts on this.

  21. Art says

    The only regret I have from dropping out of Brooks after being self taught and published in high school was the business part of photography.
    That Networking and foundation of how to build your brand and go into business for yourself.
    I am struggling right now (20years later) with finally deciding to do this for a living.
    I have the shooting experience but the marketing part is a whole different animal.

  22. The Sisters Martin says

    Thank you for opening up about your experience to help others. Something like this would have been helpful to me a few years back when I first started having interest photography. The only way I thought I could be successful was through degrees. It is also by word of mouth that'll get your foot in the door to great opportunities! You have been a huge inspiration! -Liz

  23. Megan Johnna says

    Learning recap: Learn by teaching yourself photography and punch yourself in the nuts when you mess up on your own and save money rather than punching yourself in the nuts spending thousands of dollars at school and then falling of the "follow the leader" cliff.Great video!!! So much truth!

  24. Kyle Cusack says

    As a 17 year old trying to build up a following for my dream job, I can't thank you enough for how much I needed this.

  25. nygma says

    Great video ! But when you have a mother who is like, you have to go to school… Hmmm sad.

  26. jewel says

    Thank u for this video!! I'm a junior in highschool and I've been thinking about what I wanna do after school,this really inspired me and pushes me to go out and shoot more.

  27. Dan Millard says

    This is really great advice. I picked up a camera 2 years ago, have been completely self taught, and had my first proper paid shoot today. I'm also working part time at a supermarket to earn money for gear, and then to travel.

  28. Kyra Leos says

    Oh my gosh! I love that you featured Mikaela! She's my best friend and I know it meant the world to her!!! Keep up your amazing work and awesome personality 👌🏼

  29. Katlyn Ballard says

    I'm a senior photo media student at the University of Kansas. I will never regret my education. My professors never once held our hands… They push us, they terrify us, they inspire us. I have learned how to use a view camera, how to develop my own film, how to use different chemistry to develop my photos on anything from tissue paper to logs of wood, on top of learning everything I could ever need to know about technology. I've learned the history of photography, and studied what photographers have done/is doing around the world. I'm constantly making work.. I've been able to do so many projects that I never would have done, had I not gone to college and had this opportunity. My education has taught me how to think conceptually and do things that really truly matter me, not just what looks cool. Photography gives me a voice, and I am reaching people in ways that I never could have, had I not gone to college. College is not for everyone… but don't knock on it just because you didn't have a good experience. People are looked down upon by others if they don't go to school, but now you're looking down on people for going to school… you're definitely not the only one. I think it's important to state your experience and encourage others, but you don't have to drag everyone else down meanwhile.

  30. asCEDbyme says

    This was good….really good..

  31. Waldo Andrew Gonzalez says

    What are your recommendations for an USB negative scanner if say I wanna get my pictures into a digital platform for editing like in photoshop. I've seen that you can get them on a cd at the same places you get film developed but I'm on a Mac Book Pro 2015 which off course doesn't have a cd reader. Should I look into getting a cd reader or do the negative scanners get the job done and done good?

  32. Eli Kent says

    I went to school for multimedia and graduated with a degree. I honestly felt that I wasted my money on the courses but at the end of it i "paid" for the people I kept in contact. I learned photography, film and editing all on my own. I feel it's all about the experience and who you know who can help you do your artistic passions. Awesome video Tyler!

  33. Sam Giselle says

    Thank you for sharing your knowledge! You're so kind 🙂 and inspiring!


    dude your the best

  35. KonkinWasRight says

    Such a great video, and great advice.

  36. Connie says

    Totally agree on using film and non auto. That was my first camera back in the late 80s (I still have it) and it does teach you a lot. I've had a dslr for a few years and haven't used it because where I am living is not inspiring so definitely get out and go places you love to take photos. Hoping to get back into taking pictures soon.

  37. AC/DC says

    Excellent video tyler! 🤝

  38. lottie greer says

    oh, I love this video. please, please make more directional videos about photography goals/careers. I'm in a tough spot right now. I'm seventeen, in my junior year, and I'd love to pursue photography as a career, but I'm not sure what type (family vs wedding vs photojournalism, etc.) l'm feeling little overwhelmed and worried about where I want to go and what I want to pursue. Where would you suggest getting your name out? Right now I have a blog and I've never been a fan of Instagram, but I think maybe I should give it a shot. love, love your vibe. (also that shirt.)

  39. Dave Vs Life says

    Excellent advice!!

  40. Mikaela Immenschuh says

    This was amazing! You are my hero! Thank you for all your support, advice, and inspiration. This is my absolute favorite part about the YouTube community. People like you are revolutionary & stand out from the rest. Thank you for everything. 🙂

  41. Austin and Kayla says

    I agree! I went to college for a creative degree and for all of collage and two years after it debilitated me. I was so scared of a bad grade. Now six years later I can finally figure out my personal style. Six year. Really wish I would have started this back then instead of now. Also I could have invested $50,000 on my own educational materials, business and brand. 🤔

  42. Heather Araj says

    What camera do you have?

  43. lizzy patrick says

    I'm currently studying Illustration at uni, and what ur saying is so very true no body is going to care I have this degree by the end of it and all I can think about is leaving (on my second year out of a 3 year course) I love photography I have a film camera I learnt how to develop film in my old College and how to work film and digital cameras, I did learn a lot from my teacher but I have learnt more over this past year by YouTube. I'm currently creating a book full of my photography work and I have enjoyed it so much!! I understand that I can't quit my course and pursue other things (my parents might go mental lol) I went into Illustration because I can draw and have an O.K. Talent for it which everyone seems to tell me so I thought ok better stick to what I know, even though the passion for it is fading the more and more I get closer to this degree, I love Illustration but I think people have definitely taken the fun out of it for me now. That passion has now spread to a lot more then just drawing, I did screen printing for my last project and surprisingly enjoyed it I have done it in the past but this time was different also taking photography more serious and I've learnt illustrator and adobe after effects all different tools to help create work, I know I'm still in this bubble though and it's driving me crazy!! 🤣

  44. Fay Matthews says

    I'm currently studying art and photography A levels (Alevels are what you do in the UK before university from around the age of 16-18). I have never work well with the education system cos it's so frustrating that you 'must' do certain things in a specific order to get a good grade. In photography I find I take my best photos on my 35mm film camera and I spend most of my time in the dark room. I am doing an art foundation course next year then probably studying illustration at university and the most important thing I've learnt is to have a good portfolio and keep a personal sketchbook. You could have the best grade but if your portfolio is rubbish your not going to get anywhere!

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