1. Whitty says

    I cant help but think this. The photo looks flat, bring up some of the contrast Lol
    other than that love it

  2. Jijie Forsythe says

    i think it's Oh-pa-ci-ty not oh-pay-city?

  3. Kirk Arthur says

    Jodi, you should really try Lightroom. I used to do my edits in PS like you are doing… but it is so much easier to use LR. In LR, once you get the settings the way you like, you can copy/paste those settings to multiple pics.

  4. Carole Ingram says

    my struggles is the strands of hair that are out of place, editing those is a pain so I try to remember to be aware and careful of how the hair falls into place.

  5. Asad Abdullah says

    Jodi Plzzz caN u ediT mY piCs oNly 2 or 3 …plZzz..I will Be thanKful..hOpe U wiLl listen

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