Photoshop: How to Transform a Photo into a Pop Art, Cartoon Effect!


Photoshop CC 2019 tutorial showing how to transform photos into bright, colorful pop art, cartoons.

***IMPORTANT***: There seems to be a problem with adding these filters to Smart Objects in some versions of PS . Workaround: In the beginning, don’t convert the photos into Smart Objects. Apply the filters directly to the photos.

Royalty-free stock photos provided by Shutterstock
ID #: 170701058 By michaeljung
ID #: 1235111635 by Aaron Amat

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Music track: “Regal View”

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  1. Honey Nandal says

    It's awesome, thanks for the tut

  2. Amarpreet Singh says

    Can we export it
    to our animation software.

  3. The Innocent says

    Sir can i ask you? Are you using PhotoShop CC?

  4. lazar milanov says

    why i cant press my threshhold


    I don't have oil paint option in stylize.wat substitute effect must I use??

  6. Carlos Rodriguez says

    Marty, I need a big favor, I already did my cartoon, but I want to print on my tshirt and on my cap. Can you help me with that. Please!!!

  7. Zeesh Kebab says

    what if youre on cs6 and have no oil paint option?

  8. Nikol Ycy says

    What happens when my version of Photoshop does not have the oil Paint filter ?? I have Photoshop CC 2015 …what can I do?

  9. Abdullah Kashif says

    You are such a great teacher!

  10. Qasim Malik says

    I have a problem 1:11 how did that outline the face and shoulder (making a selection around our subject.) Please help. Thanks

  11. shiblu hyder says

    Great video sir!

  12. Ayan Boishakh says

    You should get an award for creating easy perfect tutorial

  13. Its Zak says

    Please man, can you design a banner and logo for my channel

  14. king brane says

    i dont have oil pant option in filter stylize……

  15. Tsholedi Kadiaka says

    Great!! This could save me some time

  16. Revaldi Pratama says

    why my photoshop doesn't have oil paint ?

  17. Willie says

    Literally try to follow along. Step by step. Pausing the video where needed and I can't get it. Oil paint not active, other features are greyed out. I know it's just me but this can PISS one off!

  18. Hououin Kyouma says

    The best as always.

  19. SlamegilTwitch says

    you my friend might have saved me my grade!

  20. Sathish H says

    pls upload digital painting tutor

  21. Sathish H says

    pls upload digital drawing in ps

  22. Sathish H says


  23. Fernando Vázquez Dj Manitas says

    Another great tutorial and nice job.

  24. The Innocent says

    This is great.m thanks sir

  25. Richard Molewa says

    Thanks for AnOtHeR exciting lesson. I am using Photoshop CS6. I can't go Image / Adjustment / Threshold. So I double click on the smart object, then Layer / adjustment/ threshold and then SAVE. But then both layers turn black and White. My final cartoon is thus Black and White. How do I avoid this. Further, I can't go Filter/ Stylize / Surface blur/ Oil paint. I go Filter / Oil paint. what am I missing?

  26. gustav rubin says

    Mart! your channel have the best tutorial on photoshop

    love it!!!

  27. princessnikita says

    No oil paint option for me (not there) and threshold is greyed out. Yes I have correct mode selected.

  28. achi bhai says

    Excellent as always ……. the best photoshop teacher + youtuber EVER

  29. noureddine amazighi says

    great tutorial … like always___ thy

  30. monster king says

    its hard but nice

  31. Patrick Cyl says

    Hello from Paris, captivated once again. Thank you for sharing

  32. Carl Kristensen says

    Good, useful and clear. Instructions as cut out from rock. Thank You.

  33. Praveen Kumar says

    Sir give the photo download link

  34. IllPhoCorPhics says

    Thank you so much for sharing awesome tutorial tips. I like your work so much.

  35. Lewis Heath says

    Threshold is greyed out?

  36. lamees brdn says

    hi, thanks a lot for your videos. When I go to stylize then oil paint, does not work, can't press on it, Why???

  37. wwe wwe says

    Thank you 100 / 100

  38. Technical Tonmoy says

    I love blue lighting tv😘

  39. Jeff Levy says

    I am stuck at THRESHOLD it is grayed out. What do I do so I can click on it.. I am on CS6 13.0 x64 Extended

  40. Dg Visual says

    Marty = Master of Masters!!!!

  41. Mr. x says

    Bro how can I make multiple mask for a smart object each one with different filter

  42. jpwood6661 says

    The best tutorials on the Internet, I've learned so much over the past few years. Thanks Marty 👍

  43. Zackhary Dunback says

    you made this on my birthday

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