Magic Prank with Camera Photo Trick!

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Get the Camera Prank App!: and PLEASE GIVE REVIEW! Public prank with card magic using a secret app! Do card tricks, pranks or anything! Subscribe Now for more Pranks, Social Experiments and Fun Videos: THANKS for Liking and Sharing my fun videos! GOT PRANK OR TRICK IDEAS FOR THIS AWESOME APP? Let us know and we’ll film it!

TRICK PIX App designed by magician and prankster Rich Ferguson. It’s a camera trick app that simulates taking real photos but secretly swaps the photos for the user. YOU never touch the phone and THEY do the entire trick on themselves. You set it up, ask someone to take your pic, then watch as anything you want unfolds. It’s insanely fun and simple. Both front and back cameras work, flash works. It’s truly limited to your imagination.

Get Rich’s EPIC Mind Reading Card Trick App – A.I.Magic:
Get Rich’s INSANE Camera Prank App – TRICK PIX:
Get Rich’s funny Magic Tricks and Bar Bets book – Tricks to Pick Up Chicks:
Thanks to Brandon Covarrubias for filming.

For booking Magician/Mentalist Rich Ferguson for Corporate or VIP Entertainment, Motivational Speaking, Body Language Workshops, Media Inquiries or USE OF CONTENT, please use our contact form:

Rich Ferguson is a mentalist specializing in human behavior and travels globally for exclusive events. Rich creates or helps with fun YouTube videos as a serious hobby and absolutely loves sharing content with you. Besides working on TV shows, managing several entertainers, managing numerous products and inventions, doing workshops on body language( and speaking for at-risk youth groups( Rich is a brand new father of twins – boy and girl. With all of his “spare” time, he makes original videos for you. Please subscribe and share with friends!

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See behind the scenes, Q&A and randomness at Rich’s 2nd channel:

For more about Rich Ferguson, visit

Thanks for your support! We appreciate you liking and sharing our content so we can create and bring you more! If you have fun ideas, reach out anytime. We want to hear it!

  1. Dungar Bhadu says

    Camera magic trick download

  2. FlyGuy78 says

    Need more pool tricks

  3. fatshady 92 says

    Why comment is from 2 years ago only?

  4. f1nutzz says Check out this app 👆 it pays for walking.
    Please help a poor kid by pressing that link.

  5. Anthony Pagano says

    Love it however I have a Android phone and not a IPhone

  6. happy firmansyah says

    can you upload trick pix n all app to google playstore too sir .. ??

  7. Rich Ferguson says

    See all new Girls Clothes Vanish version of prank!!

  8. Leandro Rojas says

    Why do you always have to pay my parents don't let me buy things in the App Store😫 at least make a free magic app

  9. ginger_bread_master vlogs says

    will you make it on play store

  10. Peter From Band says

    I can't get the app it is $2

  11. Richard says

    +Rich Ferguson is it on android play store?

  12. Letoinou Delarzal says

    What a shame 2:44 we can see the trick… Why didn't they see it x)

  13. Henrique M. Lopes says

    Please make it for Android

  14. Abhimanyau Neupane says

    you are always great magician.

  15. Nikko says

    find the difference on 2:53 and 2:58

  16. Nikko says

    hahaha i see the trick that is fake

  17. Evang3lium says

    Yo, when you do this trick, don't stand in front of anything with reflective properties…

  18. Stephanie carmona says

    Can u make the app free please

  19. Jordan Martinez says

    How did u do that

  20. Trick Pix gone, For IOS, cant see it anymore… -.-

  21. Kshitij Ragoonath says

    Too much B.S phone started lagging!

  22. SuneWorld says

    The dad at 01:40 is a great dad. Look at how positive he is! Love him!

  23. Larry Mercado says

    make one for Android please

  24. Anthony Ferretti says


  25. SpiritOfWuTang says

    After seeing Is It Real? 's channel, I feel like EVERY single prank is staged. -_-

  26. M S Z says

    $5 for the dang

  27. yousef alamer says


  28. John Pherland Bongalon says

    What is the name of the app.??

  29. Mohamed Sharif says

    I have ios 7 and that app is ios 8 or higher

  30. Michael Yusah says

    I just got it….now let's have some fun with random people…

  31. SceptileRazorLeaf says

    bro, you're forgetting is android users again

  32. Tina Vu says


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