Canon 24mm EF-S F2.8 | Best Budget Lens for Street Photography?


I test the Canon 24mm F2.8 pancake lens on the streets of Brighton to find out if this cheap, budget lens is the best for Street Photography.

Hope you enjoy


My equipment:

– Canon EOS 1200D
– Canon EOS M10
– Canon 24mm 2.8 STM
– Canon 50mm 1.8



Deep Blue by Pold
Creative Commons — Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported — CC BY-SA 3.0
Music promoted by Audio Library

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  1. Jimjammer28 says

    Will this lens work on a t5

  2. gerald kokra says

    How far from subjects/ things would be best while shooting with this 5feet? 10feet?

  3. Brian Egerton says

    Glad I’ve found your channel, looks like we bought the lenses in the same order. Love my 50mm but use my 24mm especially for Street Art in narrow back streets

  4. Coplay says

    Exactly the video I was looking for to check out the 24mm f2. 8.

    U rock dude.

  5. Daniel Klemann says

    The lens is amazing sharp and good. I took some reall gorgeouse portraits with it and the 80D

  6. Marlon Tangub says

    Loved the video man!! It convinced me to buy this lens for my Canon EOS 1200D as well! We have the same equipment! Including the 50mm f/1.8 stm! Hope I can follow your Instagram account!

  7. Emman Kianga says

    Did you just say welcome back to *my first video*??

  8. Dino says

    first video i watched from you. will now subscribe and check out other videos.

    thanks for adding the actual picture you took as well. couldnt find any proper ones online.

  9. Kyle Richelle Sabado says

    man, you just sold me this lens. good job!

  10. Lincoln Riddle says

    I like this little lens a lot!

  11. mario bosse says

    Love 24mm f2.8

  12. Lincoln Migliorini says

    Great video, man! Thumbs up from Brazil =)

  13. Brian Salas says

    Incredible video and very well put together. This definetly motivated me to make a review and enjoy my pancake lens. Keep up the great work mate!

  14. Louis Cox says

    This is brilliant !

  15. Tom Smith says

    Very nice man! Liking this format, great vid 👍

  16. hampshirephoto says

    New channel who dis 😜😂 Best of luck with the new venture mate, I’ll be following! 💪🏻🎥

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