Make Your Gimbal Even Smoother! DigitalFoto DH04 Review & Footage (Zhiyun Crane / Ronin S, etc)

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**Since this review has gone up, I have been advised that these handlebars now have larger thumbscrews for securing the gimbal which is great to see. They have also strengthened the mounting part of the handlebars**

In this video, I review and show some test footage of the DigitalFoto DH04 dual spring handlebar for handheld gimbals like the Zhiyun Crane and other popular gimbals. The handlebars can be purchased here:


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  1. Cristian Calhoun says

    Sir, the small springs are for 0.9-2.5 kg and the big ones are for 2.3-4.5 kg weight. Of course the big springs are stronger.

  2. A Vidal says

    I use these handlebars and find the up and down bobbing reduction minimal unless you still do that back-aching Ninja walk. I mount a Sony AX700 camcorder in active stabilization mode on it without a gimbal and keep my tracking shots short because I cannot do long steadycam tracking with it. Maybe others can with practice.

  3. ScottyMakesStuff says

    Hi Michael, I was saddened to see this video. Digital Foto has made an illegal copy of our ScottyMakesStuff stabilizer that has taken 1000's of hours to develop. We've tried our hardest to stop them selling these and all they seem to do is lie and joke about any attempts we make – amazon, ebay and youtube will not help us either. We're a small Australian family business and this has dramatically affected our income.

  4. TURST67 / Zäa says

    Camera and Cinelli enthusiast?! Just like me!

  5. Stewart Craig says

    My first erection this year. Thank you. 🍆

  6. Michael Ronin says

    *Since this review has gone up, I have been advised that these handlebars now have larger thumbscrews for securing the gimbal which is great to see. They have also strengthened the mounting part of the handlebars*

  7. Awaz Anjing says

    Keep rocking brother.. Triune god bless you

  8. Ben James says

    Excellent work Michael. Another thorough review.

  9. Juicebox T.V says

    I saw a big difference, I sold my crane v2 coz it was just a hassle to set up and since I'm not a pro it just wasn't worth it, this thing would be great for pros like you said, great review mate!

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