How to Pose for Senior Pictures: Sitting Down

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Have you ever thought to yourself – how should I pose during my senior pictures? We’ve got answers for you! In this video, our photo editor Hope will walk you through some poses we use when we have our clients sit for a photo.

If this video is helpful, please like the video and subscribe to our channel!
This video is a part of a posing series; we also have videos on:
Posing 101:
How to pose standing up:
How to pose laying down:

You can like our Facebook page here:

Don’t forget about the free gift! Here is a link to your FREE posing cheat sheet that you can download and take to your senior session with you!
Posing Cheat Sheet:
And remember: SUBSCRIBE!

Our channel can be found here:

  1. Walseng Photography says

    helpful video thanks…i'm waiting for new update

  2. Saba Khan says

    Lisa sangma you are right

  3. kaberi Banerjee says

    I love this. but what should be the pose when I wear jens or shorts???

  4. Lisa Sangma says

    Hi! I really loved your photography posture techniques😊 Thanks💕

  5. Andrea curtis says

    I need to look for a good person to take pictures I live in Largo Florida it's my senior year

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