DSLR vs Mirrorless Camera for Portrait Photography


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In this tutorial we look at a comparison betwen Mirrorless and DSLR cameras for portrait photography. In this photoshoot I used the Sigma 35mm, 50mm and 85mm 1.4 Art lens. We discuss the camera equipment I used for the photoshoot, the camera settings, as well as discuss comparisons between mirrorless and DSLR systems, and the pros and cons of each!

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#portraitPhotography #cameracomparison #photography

  1. L. J. says

    As a photographer… first i am not a pro for sure but not the amateur too… i just want to say that u can take awesome photos even with junky camera if u can use its full potential, better gear wont change u into professional it will only helps u to faster reach that goal… and of course learn some theory about elemental things like iso, shutter speed, lights, shadows… etc… its better to be photographer with a knowledge than photographer who have best gear in hands but dont have idea how to use it… btw thanks for reading my comment take care and have a nice shooting 🙂

  2. October Kid says

    5d anyday

  3. HIITyour4Mins TABATA says

    Nice tutorial bach
    Hope you can also visit my IG. And give comments.
    Just starting to learn portrait photography.

    Thank you

  4. Phil Jones65 says

    Mirrorless is all about doubling the price of cameras half as expensive
    to make! Sorry but they are pricing themselves out of the market.
    Canon's 50% drop in sales prediction is proof of that

  5. MyName Here says

    You must compare several brands and lenses not only two cameras. Cameras sensors all made on same factories, different only software.

  6. Nurse_Isabella_Gonzales1989 says

    Mirrorless is very convenient to carry around and the images wasn’t that bad 👍

  7. CODER QN says

    10:05, what happened there?

  8. Shawn Bissonette says

    Sony would have looked better with native lenses

  9. Shawn Bissonette says

    Was there a camera in this video?

  10. Natasha O'Donnell says

    That's fed square

  11. William Mac says

    DSLR all the way if you shoot for a living and need to keep your customers happy to make your mortgage payment…if you just shoot portraits inside or shoot as a hobby and you can control the temp and what days you shoot outside etc…then mirrorless is fine.

  12. Sathyameva Jayathe says

    Canon 5D mark iv the unbeatable King !!!👍

  13. xavier carrillo says

    For automotive photography Sony a6000 or canon 70D ? What would you recommend ?

  14. Hoang Nam says

    As your opinion, what should I choose between 70D and A6000, I'm really confusing when picking one of them. My work is portrait and a little bit sport and landscape, but the main work is portrait.

  15. Melanie Mohan says

    I am a little confused the sony picture is nicer in some cases because it doest brighten the picture. Not sure if that is a good thing in all cases. Not sure if that is the true sunlight or the camera setting. I am disappointed that the canon came out with so much of a shadow/darkness. I was convinced that I was going to get the canon. Hoping that I will have different results with the canon.

  16. Born 4 A thing says

    She's thicc

  17. Enrique Apanco says

    What are your thoughts on the sigma 35mm 1.4 art? I've hearing bad opinions! Specially with the AF… Have you tried the rokinon or the zeiss?

  18. specialized41 says

    I think Sony is more easy with IBIS and face/eyes focus without recomposition.

  19. sky peters says

    By just looking at these two side by side, my eye keeps going back to the Sony

  20. Hus Aks says

    heya great video, but i think if the settings were the same, we'd be able to tell which scenarios which cameras out preform one another or better suited to the scene. Hmmm maybe you didnt use manual mode and went for aperture prio mode ?

  21. 82688268at says

    I know I can't be the only one that got distracted by how bad the camera is they used to shoot this video on, I swear with the camera shake you would have thought there was an earthquake… Smh

  22. Noah Osas says

    The model was cool. Even clearing dirt from the ground.

  23. aliens from other galaxies says

    MIRRORLESS IS BAD AT SNAPSHOTING TO FAST MOVING OBJECT, BTW whatever type of camera, the result is depends on the photographer

  24. Polly Crypto says

    Would have been a lot better if you shot at the exact same settings.

  25. sexysilversurfer says

    . The latest Sony mirrorless have larger batteries, depending on the model you can swivel the rear screen and keep shooting without worry of placing the focus point on the eye as you have to with a DSLR. In my opinion for portrait photography the mirrorless system with eye focus is a clear winner especially with with fast glass and narrow DOF.

  26. Filipoo666 says

    You should chose same settings. Like ISO and shutter speed. But anyway… Great video men. I must chose between Sony vs pana vs canon and chose canon. Love that cause of liveview and mirror ^^ two on one. And cheap lenses 😉

  27. The Two Perspectives says


  28. Fahim Farooq says

    I have a DSLR but I think the eye auto focus must be great on DSLM

  29. Bach Photography says

    Thanks for watching! Make sure to hit that subscribe button, and let me know in the comments whether you prefer mirrorless or DSLR cameras! 😀📸

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