Easy Wood Photo Art | Glam It Yourself


Your favorite photos should last a lifetime. With this easy DIY (instructions below), those precious memories will. Grab the Mod Podge and pull out your favorite pics for a lesson in wood photo transfers that you can do on your own:

You’ll need: wood frame, photo on laser printer copier paper, paint brush, water, damp cloth, scissors, pencil
* Cut photo to size of wood frame
* Mod Podge top of wood frame where you want image to appear. -Remember, photo will transfer backwards
* Place laser printer photo face down to wood frame
* Press down firmly to make sure photo adheres properly
* Let it dry overnight
* Take water and damp cloth and remove paper
* Use finger tips to remove all paper.
* Image should appear
* Add another layer of Mod Podge
* Let dry

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  1. geekista says


  2. Juana Arrieta says

    such an awesome idea!!

  3. By C. says

    What an incredible idea!!

  4. Glam, Inc. says

    What do you think of this wood art? Printed instructions under video description.

  5. Lucía Medero says


  6. Lucía Medero says

    primer comentario

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