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Come fare Street Photography di notte

In questo video scopriamo i segreti della street photography in notturna: dalla scelta dell'obiettivo, alle impostazioni da settare sulla macchina fotografica, fino ad una prova sul campo che faremo per strada. Per la prova sul campo ho…

Army Divers School – The Big Picture

National Archives and Records Administration ARC Identifier 2569634 / Local Identifier 111-TV-365 Big Picture: Army Divers' School Soldiers with an unusual occupation shown on "THE BIG Picture" -- THE BIG PICTURE has come up with…

#69 Foto Produk Dengan Handphone

Saat buka lapakan di forum-forum atau mau buka online shop tentunya kamu butuh foto produk agar produkmu dapat dilihat oleh konsumen kamu. Kali ini kita bikin foto produk dengan background putih polos, kenapa putih polos? agar produk…

My New DJI Osmo Pocket Video-Photo-Camera

Bought myself a DJI Osmo Pocket, early Christmas gift, yes I was very good this year. Just thought I would show it off a little. Please, Give me a Like, That would be so Appreciated and also Share this video with your friends. It would…