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Porta Retrato Digital 7 Quanta

Para quem ama recordar pessoas e lugares especiais e prefere a praticidade da tecnologia o Porta Retrato Digital D501 da Quanta é perfeito. - Possui entrada para cartão de memória SD/ SDHC e USB, oferecendo a você maior praticidade e…

Flash Photography for Beginners

Flash Photography for the Beginner, Sponsored by Canon: Confused about flash photography? You’re not alone! These small flash units are some of the most versatile tools a photographer can have at their fingertips yet many people stay…

School Photos – Atlanta GA!

K. Boyer Photography School Portraits, Atlanta GA, School Portrait Photographer, Kristin Boyer, Atlanta Family & Children's Photographer, School Photos, Photos, Yearbook Photos, School yearbook, Elementary School, Middle School, Day…