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jadi karena belom kuliah dan kebanyakan gabut jadinya iseng-iseng aja pengen belajar kamera, kamera yang gua pake di video ini adalah olympus pen E-PL3 dan karena belom ngerti makenya jadinya agak kurang bagus sih videonya ditambah lagi…

Macro Photography Tips Part 1

Macro photography is all about the ability to get in very close to your subject so it can fill the frame completely. There are specialist macro lenses which have fixed focal lengths, but you don't have to have a special lens to shoot…

Samsung Galaxy J8 – Dicas e Truques

Neste vídeo mostro algumas dicas e truques bem simples para o Galaxy J8 em uma smart TV. Como falei, corpo de Samsung J6 e alma de Samsung A6 Plus. Deixe seu comentário de forma inteligente e sem palavrões, respeite os outros inscritos…