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iPhone 4S Photo-Camera Test – felixba94

WEITERE IPHONE 4S VIDEOS UND KAUFLINKS: (auf "mehr anzeigen" klicken :D) iPhone 4S bei Amazon kaufen: Schwarz: Weiß: iPhone 4S 64GB schwarz Unboxing: iPhone 4S full Review: iPhone 4S Einrichten und SIM Karte installieren: iPhone…


Mum wants to post these on Facebook so we can show the world we ain't messing you up too bad. Like Pittsburgh Dad on Facebook: Follow Pittsburgh Dad on Twitter: Get Pittsburgh Dad on DVD: Get a Pittsburgh Dad T-Shirt: Find Turner's…

CameraBag iPhone old-school photography app

Demo of one of the top five most popular apps on the iPhone! Dramatically and easily enhance photos from your built-in iPhone camera or iPhone/iPod Touch photo library using CameraBag's advanced filters that emulate several different…