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My 8 Best Tips for Flower Photography

Most photos in this video were taken with the following lenses: - 150 mm: - 90 mm: - 135 mm: or - unspecified: or Most photos in the video were shot on this camera: But the most recent photos I used my current workhorse for: To…

Lola Melani Photography Studio in NYC

Lola Melani founded her private studio in New York in 2016 in the heart of the vibrant and trendy Chelsea neighborhood. The warm and inviting space offers personalized attention and comfort tailored to each individual client and features…


THE CUTEST NEWBORN PHOTOSHOOT My Daily Life as a Full Time Photographer VLOG 055 California Based Photographer Svitlana Vronska NEWBORN DIGITAL BACKDROPS used in this photoshoot - Headbands for newborn - Newborn Photography Bean Bag -…