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How to Get Soft Photos in Harsh Lighting

You've probably learned it's a bad idea to shoot on the beach at noon due to harsh lighting. However, with proper technique using a reflector and the right camera settings, you can get some great shots with soft glow on your model. In…

Ryan & Rachel's DREAM WEDDING pics! 6.16.17

Welcome to Ryan & Rachel's Dreams Wedding pic slideshow! Join Ryan and I as we celebrate the best day of our lives as we became husband and wife. We celebrated our love story on June 16, 2017 with 100 family and friends who traveled…

Hasil Photo camera Canon EOS 600d

Best camera canon 600d Hasil foto 600d Hasil foto camera canon 600d Pantai sari ringgung Pantai elty krakatoa Grand elty Elty beach Elty beach kalianda Kalianda resort kabupaten Pesawaran Kabupaten Tulang Bawang Wisata Lampung Taman…