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35mm vs 50mm for Travel Photography

Hey everyone! I hope you all enjoy today's video - while travelling/visiting Gdansk, Poland I wanted to see which lens was better suited for travel photography. The 35mm or 50mm. Please let me know your thoughts in the comments! I'm also…

Composition-A Digital Photography Tutorial

SUBSCRIBE and like Buy the #1 book with 14+ HOURS of video on Amazon: Worldwide use 10% off coupon 'YouTube': Lightroom video book $10 on Amazon: Photoshop video book $10 on Amazon: Photography Buying Guide on Amazon: Worldwide use…

30 Different Types of Photographers

30 different types of photographers. I'm sure there are plenty of more, but can you find your own type from this list? Idea for this goes definitely to Kevin Parry Follow me: Website : Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: