Online Entertainment News – Myths About the Maligned Paparazzi


Old as they may be, the magazines and periodicals you browse through in your dentist’s waiting room or at the hairdresser are endlessly fascinating, especially the celebrity photos, news articles and entertainment issues. If you love following the stars, political giants, and the lives of the rich and famous, then getting the latest celebrity news is also as easy now as going online. No subscriptions are even necessary.

Numerous internet, entertainment, and celebrity gossip websites feature astoundingly interesting photographs of your favourite people. News stories revealing their lives love and illicit behaviours make each famous character come to life and sometimes the pictures do speak louder than words. Each publication has its specialities and its editorial personality. And all the fun stuff is reflected in imagery, story presentation and the interactive nature of the website with viewers, users, and advertisers.

But it’s the photographs of the famous and the infamous in candid, unguarded moments that are the secrets to holding our rapt attention. Online entertainment news agencies have brought the evil paparazzi back into the limelight – surrounded by myth and probability unduly maligned.

The Mythical Paparazzi

What would we do without them?

Some of the most exciting features on celebrity entertainment news sites are the pictures taken by paparazzi photographers. The reputation of these perceiving annoying invaders is well known and they have even been called mosquitoes because they can be so annoying. But it should be remembered that when we are enjoying the published stories and the great paparazzi photos of the people we find so fascinating in film, television, and news, we are enjoying the results of the hard work of the paparazzi. And many of the legends and myths about them can be dispelled.

Who are they?

Paparazzi is an Italian term used to refer to photojournalists who specialize in candid photographs of celebrities, politicians and other prominent people. They are skilled and imaginative picture takers who tend to be independent contractors, unaffiliated with mainstream media organizations. Given their more innovative natures and technical abilities, the paparazzi should be considered freelance photographers. They not only supply their work to various publications and the media, but they are attached to celebrity internet sites or online news agencies.

Are they lawbreakers who are hated by the rich and famous?

Freelance photographers as a group are law-abiding citizens and they are only allowed by the First Amendment to snap pictures of public figures as long as they (the celebs) are in public places. And if you think from all the vitriol that photojournalists are hated by their subjects, that’s not entirely true either. Most celebrities understand that fantastic photos will keep them viewed in magazines and entertainment web sites. Many welcome and even invite exposure.

Do the paparazzi really hang out in trees?

It’s easier for a photographer to trace celebrities’ schedules and either beat them to their events or wait outside their favourite coffee spots or gyms. But, even if the paparazzo does not climb a tree, the job is still not an easy one due to hours and hours of waiting around on sore feet either cold or the hot sun to get just the right angle or to meet a prominent person who may never show up.

Do they make a lot of money?

If the subject of the news articles is involved in a big scandal or the photographer gets a great shot of a celebrity doing something exceptional, there might be a higher value to the pictures. Every paparazzo dreams of such a scenario. A posed shot is not the goal. The ultimate challenge for the photographer is to catch the accused in normal movements like walking down a street or drinking coffee, giving a child a piggy-back ride, or holding hands with a loved one. There is more compensation for outstanding candid camera shots than for anything posed.

Are they all uneducated degenerates?

It may come as a surprise but most paparazzi are college graduates, former photojournalists, business owners, school teachers, and even doctors. They are drawn to the field because of their fascination with human interest stories and the resulting combination of creative photography with expert reporting – tantamount to the perfect storm that results in truly artistic journalism.

Next time you pick up that celebrity magazine or entertainment news publication at your dentist’s office, local barbershop or hair salon – or you discover the fantastic views and perspectives at your favourite online entertainment news stop, keep in mind that the mythological evil paparazzi had a major hand in bringing you that enjoyment. There is always more than one side to every story and a tall tale holds no interest in today’s world without imaginative photography.

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